The Scottish Mail on Sunday

World first as surgeons spot a brain tumour – with a ‘bleeping pen’

- By Katherine Keogh

SURGEONS often describe the tricky operation to remove a brain tumour as ‘trying to pluck a spider out of jelly’. Take out too little and the cancerous ‘legs’ remain and regrow – but take out too much and there is a risk of cutting away healthy tissue and leaving the patient disabled.

Now a British hospital is trialling a laser that bleeps like a parking sensor on a car when the scalpel gets to the edge of the cancerous areas, letting surgeons know their margins for error.

In a world first, neurosurge­ons at London’s Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust have started using the pen-like probe, called the Core, which shines a near-infrared light on to a tumour and scans for subtle difference­s between healthy and cancerous tissue.

The device can read the difference­s in less than a second, and gives a warning sound if the surgeon is close to healthy tissue.

About 16,000 Britons are diagnosed with a brain tumour every year, and more children and adults under 40 die from the condition than from any other cancer. There are more than 120 types.

Surgeons hope the Core, which has already proved successful in skincancer surgery in Canada, will allow them to remove as much of the cancerous growth as possible and also speed up operating times.

The probe was used for the first time during brain surgery at Impe- rial last week as part of a trial that will involve 30 patients over the next year. Senior neurosurgi­cal trainee Babar Vaqas, who spearheade­d the project to bring the Core to the UK, says: ‘There really is nothing like this at the moment.

‘Brain surgery is a very complex operation – sometimes even taking just a millimetre too much can cause real damage, such as paralysis or problems with speech. Having something that will make surgery safer and more accurate could be a real game-changer.’

One of the major obstacles at present is that the boundary between the tumour and healthy brain tissue is very hard to distinguis­h, even with an operating microscope.

Currently, surgeons must rely on taking several tiny cuttings of tissue to ensure they are only taking away that which is cancerous. It can take up to 90 minutes for these biopsies to be tested and for results to be fed back to surgeons, all while the patient remains in the operating theatre.

Instead of taking a physical sample, a surgeon holds the Core over the area being operated on and a beam is emitted from the tip of the probe, scanning for changes in the chemical compositio­n of brain tissue. A tumour molecule vibrates differentl­y from healthy molecules under laser light, causing the light to bounce back in a different way.

This is picked up by the probe, and the signal is then interprete­d by a computer, giving an instant reading of whether the tissue is cancerous.

Mr Vaqas believes using the Core could shave up to 30 minutes off the average three-hour surgery time. ‘Having a device that takes less than a second to tell the difference between healthy and cancerous tissue means we could potentiall­y avoid taking unnecessar­y biopsies, and also perform more surgeries in a day,’ he says.

The Core’s makers, Canadian company Verisante Technology, hopes the work at Imperial will replicate the success of a similar trial used to detect skin cancer on 1,000 patients at a hospital in Vancouver.

The Imperial trial is being partfunded by charity Brain Tumour Research Campaign, which claims research into diagnostic­s and treatment is ‘woefully underfunde­d’.

Founder Wendy Fulcher says: ‘Taking away healthy tissue can have disastrous consequenc­es, so this probe is hugely exciting.’

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