The Scottish Mail on Sunday

How ‘high priest of Labour values’ rallied the comrades with incendiary attack on PM’s ‘almost pre-war Germany Great Lie’


MR CAMERA-ON, as I describe him because the only animation he produces is when there’s a camera on. And he chooses such moments to announce his forthcomin­g departure after no more than two terms as Prime Minister. I’ve got news – the past will come to beat him and the future will come to crush him! David Cameron doesn’t have two terms, he has one!

In six weeks, you’ll be pumping, straining, cajoling, dragging people to return Harriet [Harman] with a record majority. This is an Election like none of you have ever fought – and I don’t give a damn how long you have been doing it. Votes have been fragmented by the deluded avenues of nationalis­m north and south of the border and Greenery. If you want a hobby take up fly fishing or stamp collecting, it’s less dangerous than voting for the Greens.

Tories are ‘fruitcakes and closet racists’

We must secure the votes of more comrades than ever before. What we have now is a Government of deceit and falsehood.

I never thought I’d have a good word to say about [Commons Speaker] John Bercow – who in his youth used to give away ‘Hang Mandela’ T-shirts.

He is not a socialist but he has been sufficient­ly decent to outrage and antagonise the bunch – if I can coin a phrase – of fruitcakes and closet racists who make up the Conservati­ve parliament­ary party. That is why they wanted rid of him. Not in a direct confrontat­ion, not in a real fight, not face-to-face in the street, no, but by the back stairs.

William Hague, the master organiser, was the guy who fought a General Election on an antiEurope­an platform with all of his xenophobia [and] mobilisati­on of nationalis­m, and [who] stoked the fires of chauvinism. That’s William Hague – he hasn’t even got baldness that’s as nice as mine.

‘You’re the right one, Ed’: plot to knife sibling David

The Press decided that the man who should and would win the Labour leadership was David Miliband. When Ed won they decided they were going to rip his arms off, and they have been ever since. The truth about Ed Miliband is that he is courageous, and I don’t just mean taking on his brother.

When I talked to him [Ed] before the 2010 Election, unfortunat­ely envisaging our defeat and Gordon’s departure, I said, “Are you going to run?”. He said, “I have to admit this has not been absent from my mind, but what about David?” I said, “Well, he’s got a right to run against you, don’t worry about that.”

He said, “You know I didn’t mean that, you sod!” I said, “You didn’t mean it but I did! Two brothers, two members of the Labour Party, two Cabinet Ministers, two with a slightly various [sic] view on how we should progress. You are the right one, that’s why I’m in your office talking to you.” He did [run] and he won.

The Election ‘great lie’ – like pre-war Germany

We’re up against is a government of untruth. Their dangerous, damaging, ruinous untruths started when they gained power.

The basic untruth which has etched its way into the consciousn­ess of the British people [is] in tribute to the attributes of the great lie almost, almost [sic] on a scale practised in Germany before the War.

I don’t compare Osborne, Cameron and Hague and the rest of them to those Nazi criminals.

But I do say that in understand­ing the force and effect of a continuall­y repeated lie fostered then foisted by a compliant Press, they really have got into the mind of the British people the idea that Labour caused the economic car crash. That if they [the Tories] had not rescued Britain in 2010 we would have been Greece in the North Sea.

Brown saved the world - Cameron ‘slit UK’s throat’

It is fantasy because the truth is that in 2010 the only reason for huge borrowing was to survive the biggest financial crash in all human history.

By doing that Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling saved Britain and the world. And they have been lacerated for this great, merciful, progressiv­e mission ever since.

It was like Clem Attlee’s nationalis­ation in 1945 which had nothing to do with the Red Flag and everything to do with the Red Cross. It was repeated in 2008-9 by Gordon Brown and Alastair Campbell... [I mean] Alistair Darling – that’s a mistake I wouldn’t want to make in the Commons!

I’m not describing a land of milk and honey but I am accounting for an economy in recovery. That is the truth about 2010.

Then Cameron and Osborne kill it! Just as surely as they’d slit the throat of the recovery!

They did it with propaganda about Britain on the brink with crushed business and consumer confidence with a pressure unpreceden­ted in modern economic history, so the people stopped spending and businesses stopped investing. And Osborne inflicted a regime of gigantic cuts in benefits.

It’s a ‘fantasy’ workers hate work-shy ‘laggards’

Osborne’s fantasy about the worker going to work earnestly, strivingly at six o’clock in the morning, looking up at the closed curtains of a neighbour feeling resentful about the way the laggard was lying in bed.

If the laggard was in bed it’s because he’s just got home from doing a 12-hour shift on poverty pay. That’s the reality.

We mustn’t let them get away with this fiction about the State. The State is inanimate. In foolish, corrupt, lying hands the State will be foolish, corrupt and lying.

In decent, enabling and generous hands it will be decent, enabling and generous.

That is why we are engaged in politics – to secure control of the means of government by democratic means so that the State is recognised to be the community in action, enablement not oppression.

Deficit ‘is worse than before D-Day in 1944’

Don’t let it be denigrated or misreprese­nted by people who want to squeeze the state so they can control the people more effectivel­y. That’s what they have always done and that’s what they are seeking to do now.

The last time we had a balance of payments deficit like this was in 1944 when we were preparing for D-Day. They tell us the NHS will be ring-fenced, but it will be ring-fenced by plywood not steel.

The reason we are better is because we rely on our members, the Tories rely on people who turn up in their white ties at dinners and spend £160,000 to play tennis with David Cameron. I will do it for nothing!

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