The Scottish Mail on Sunday

QUOTES of the week


‘Terms are like Shredded Wheat – two are wonderful but three might be too many.’ David Cameron signals the start of a Tory leadership race by ruling out standing for a third term as Prime Minister.

‘Sometimes you ask a politician a question and they answer. It’s a rare occasion.’ BBC journalist James Landale, who elicited the response from Mr Cameron during an interview.

‘A line has been crossed. There cannot be one rule for one and one rule for another dictated by either rank, or public relations and commercial considerat­ions.’ BBC chief Tony Hall, after the Corporatio­n sacked Jeremy Clarkson over his assault on a Top Gear colleague.

‘Perrie Edwards? Oh, you mean Yoko Ono 2.0?’ One Direction fan blames the singer for forcing her boyfriend Zayn Malik to leave the boyband – and likens Perrie’s role to that of Yoko in breaking up The Beatles.

‘Whooping is fun for some but can be super inaccessib­le for others… Jazz hands work just as well. Clapping is triggering anxiety.’ National Union of Students issues bizarre advice to delegates at its women’s conference.

‘The only word he put in for me was with God.’ Alison White, the new Bishop of Hull, when asked whether her husband – also an Anglican bishop – had any influence over her appointmen­t.

‘I know my children will never have to say, “Mom died of ovarian cancer.”’ Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, who had her ovaries removed in a bid to avoid the disease that killed her own mother.

‘There is going to be quite a lot of shouting.’ Samantha Cameron overheard warning her children Nancy and Elwen – sitting in a Commons gallery – what to expect of the final Prime Minister’s Questions of this Parliament.

‘What, you think I cook?’ George Clooney’s lawyer wife Amal after a New York chef tried to hand her a copy of his new cookbook.

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