The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Don’t wish for a girl, Kate – be DMOB* happy like me ( ) * a Defensive Mother Of Boys

- Sarah Oliver

NOT long now until the new Royal baby arrives. I wonder if Wills and Kate will stop at two like his folks, try for three like hers, or match Her Majesty with four. Who knows, if they stick at it they could go for the full Queen Victoria (nine).

They have chosen not to find out the sex in advance. ‘For the avoidance of doubt, like the last time, the Duke and Duchess do not know if their baby will be a boy or a girl,’ said an aide firmly last week. Ouch!

That’s those of us who’ve been playing Fantasy Royal Families for the past six months sent to sit on the naughty step until we’ve remembered our manners.

The bookies are calling it for a girl, with the smart money on an Alice, a Charlotte or an Elizabeth. That ties in with the three tins of pink paint samples sent to Anmer Hall by a posh interior design company. American Hello! has analysed the Duchess’s bump (higher and wider than George, it thinks) and declared Great Britain will soon be doing The Pink Thing.

Science begs to differ. Dr Corry Gellatly, an expert in the evolution of human sex ratios, has proved that men inherit a tendency to have more sons or more daughters from their own parents. Wildly over-simplified, this suggests a man with brothers is more likely to have sons.

Hello Prince Harry! Who’d have guessed the Big Ginger (as William calls him) would be the bellwether in this particular debate?

Plus, as Dr Gellatly told me on Friday: ‘It’s about 51.5 per cent boys to 48.5 per cent girls being born in the UK at the moment, so from that point of view it’s a good bet the next Royal baby will be a boy.’

As a mother of sons I’m crossing my fingers his science and those statistics are right. Because it’s all about daughters now; sharper in the classroom, more emotionall­y intelligen­t, just as likely to shatter the glass ceiling as slip a foot Cinderella­style into a glass slipper.

Girls are no longer the reproducti­ve consolatio­n prize of yesteryear. Boys, by comparison, are fierce, fast and loud, with their life force permanentl­y set to stun, too caveman for the 21st Century.

THIS makes the most popular combinatio­n of siblings in the UK’s league table for a happy family life two girls, followed by one girl and one boy. Having a pair of boys limps in third, though I imagine the frocks, rocks and palaces which go with Royal motherhood would take the edge off any Gender Disappoint­ment (GD) for Kate. (I’m not making this up: GD is the very real phenomenon where the desire for a boy or a girl eclipses the arrival of a healthy baby of the opposite sex).

If the Duchess does have a brother for George, then I might invite her to become an ambassador for us DMOBs – that’s Defensive Mothers of Boys. Perhaps the College of Arms could craft her a new coat of arms, one with a pair of ear defenders and giant bottle of Dettol on it.

I understand she’s very selective with the causes to which she puts her name but she’d be a royally big gun in the gender war with our enemies, the SMOGs – Smug Mothers of Girls. They believe they’ve won the lottery of life, having given birth to pretty, peace-loving, diligent and mostly clean children. Actually, the only thing they’ve won is the lottery of life expectancy, since a couple of years ago scientists in Finland establishe­d that having successive sons shaves several months off your allotted span.

We DMOBs don’t just live for a shorter time than SMOGs, we live differentl­y from them too. We preside, both diva and matriarch, over households which do not feature shops, dolls, ponies or pink, partying with people who think the height of cool is being able to burp the words to Happy Birthday. And we absolutely love it. Kate, I hope you are coming to join us because ultimately we’ll be victorious in this new battle of the sexes. Those SMOGs can be as smug as they like for now, but one day it will be our sons – princes or paupers – taking their precious daughters out on dates. Ha, ha, ha!

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