The Scottish Mail on Sunday

3 ways to treat... A FLAKY SCALP


PREVENT: Unsightly and annoying white or grey flakes of dead skin can be a case of simple dry skin. But if your scalp is red, itchy or scaly, it could be caused by a sensitivit­y to products (also known as contact dermatitis), so try switching shampoo brands to see if this helps, and avoid using hair colorants containing an ingredient called paraphenyl­enediamine, which can irritate the scalp.

TREAT: Over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoos are your first line of treatment, according to Dr Emma Wedgeworth, consultant dermatolog­ist and British Skin Foundation spokesman. It can be a case of trial and error as different formulas contain different ingredient­s, such as coal tar to slow production of dead skin cells, or salicylic acid to soften and shed them. Try the shampoos for a week or so, and if you don’t see an improvemen­t try a different formula.

‘Use the shampoos at least every other day until the problem clears up,’ adds Dr Wedgeworth. ‘But don’t throw away your usual shampoo – you should then only need to use the anti-dandruff formula once or twice a week.’

If the problem doesn’t clear up within a few weeks, see your GP or dermatolog­ist, who may prescribe a steroid lotion or prescripti­on shampoo.

DON’T BOTHER: Some people thinking washing their hair too often will irritate the scalp even more. But regular, careful washing is key to keeping dandruff under control, adds Dr Wedgeworth. ‘Take time to thoroughly massage the shampoo into the scalp and leave on for the recommende­d time – usually five minutes – to give it time to work.’

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