The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Let suicide clinics open in UK, say two in three over-50s

Shock Saga findings reveal huge backing for British branch of Dignitas

- Stephen Adams

TWO-THIRDS of older Britons think the controvers­ial Swiss suicide clinic Dignitas should be allowed to operate in the UK, according to a shock poll.

They believe the law should be changed so people can choose to end their lives here by taking a lethal dose of drugs – even if they are not terminally ill.

The survey of nearly 10,000 Saga members found 61 per cent to be in favour of such a far-reaching change in legislatio­n, with only 17 per cent against. The remainder were undecided or expressed no preference.

It comes days before MPs are due to debate a new Assisted Dying Bill. If the Bill is passed, it will allow doctors to prescribe a lethal dose of drugs to patients thought to have less than six months to live who have demonstrat­ed a ‘ clear and settled intention’ to end their lives.

It will not extend assisted dying to those who are simply tired of life – and so would not permit Dignitas to operate here exactly as it does i n Switzerlan­d.

Supporters of the Bill believe the Saga poll shows there is widespread support for changing the law, which they describe as ‘a mess’.

But opponents say it illus-

‘An assisted-suicide

conveyor belt’

trates only that the public is failing to grasp the true dangers of allowing assisted suicide here – and has swallowed Dignitas ‘propaganda’ whole.

Lord Falconer, a former Lord Chancellor who has been the driving force behind the campaign to bring in a law allowing assisted dying, said last night: ‘There is little doubt the law is a mess – the courts, the police, the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns who put the current guidelines in place, the public, and above all people who are dying and those who love them, all agree.

‘It’s time for the legislator­s and the Government to set up a trusted process which can produce a solution for the long term.’

Rob Marris, the Labour MP who tabled the Assisted Dying Bill, said the poll results were not surprising, adding: ‘They are broadly consistent with other opinion polling, showing that a majority of the UK population broadly supports a change in the law to allow assisted dying.’

Sarah Wootton, chief executive of Dignity In Dying, said: ‘This poll shows that people understand the current law is broken and want it fixed. The Bill before MPs would allow terminally ill, mentally competent adults to request medica- tion from their doctor, should they meet numerous strict criteria, so they can end their own lives in their own homes rather than in clinics or in the shadows.’

But opponents argue it is dangerous to use snap polls as evidence that the public supports assisted dying. Baroness Finlay, chairman of the National Council for Palliative Care, said: ‘A lot of people have taken a very superficia­l view of Dignitas and have not looked at the dangers of assisted suicide.

‘They have read all the propaganda in the press about people who have gone to Dignitas, which makes it all sound wonderful and lovely. But when people read about what Dignitas does, they will find it horrific. It is an assisted-suicide conveyor belt.’

Baroness Finlay, a doctor specialisi­ng in end-of-life care, added: ‘We have a duty to help people who are struggling to find a way of living again, because we value life. We should not be setting up a death service. We should be improving our hospice at home and palliative care services, which are too patchy.’

The Bishop of Carlisle, James Newcome, said: ‘A poll last year found that support for assisted suicide ebbed away once people were presented with the views of medical profession­als, disability groups and the possibilit­y that terminally ill people would put pressure on themselves to seek assistance with ending their lives out of fear of being a burden.

‘Recent votes against legalising assisted suicide by the Scottish parliament and the Welsh Assembly are further evidence that when given time to consider the issues in detail, there is overwhelmi­ng rejection of a change in the law.

‘The Church of England believes that terminally ill people are vulnerable and ought to be surrounded by love and support and with the best possible care. They should not be placed under a burden to consider ending their lives prematurel­y.’

 ??  ?? CHOICES: Gill Pharaoh, 75, with partner John Southall, above. Left: Erica Blaza, 51, with husband Pete Finch
CHOICES: Gill Pharaoh, 75, with partner John Southall, above. Left: Erica Blaza, 51, with husband Pete Finch

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