The Scottish Mail on Sunday

She is just crying wolf... It may even make refugee crisis worse

- Extracted from a blog posted on Richard Betts’s official research project site at helixclima­

IN A recent BBC Newsnight item, the actress Emma Thompson spoke passionate­ly and in no uncertain terms about 4C warming by the year 2030, and stated that ‘in a few years… whole swathes of the Earth will become uninhabita­ble’.

These statements do not reflect what the science actually says.

Some might argue that the focus should be on worst-case catastroph­ic scenarios, leaving no room for doubt, in order to promote urgency in emissions cuts. It’s certainly easy to see why this might be tempting, as global emissions have continued to rise despite clear indication­s that unchecked climate change poses large risks.

This seems to be the case in Emma Thompson’s recent BBC Newsnight item. Does this matter? What’s the harm in a bit of exaggerati­on if it’s in a good cause? To my mind, there are three reasons why it’s a problem.

Firstly, making wild prediction­s that don’t come true obviously harms your credibilit­y. It’s the old ‘boy who cried wolf’ story – he made up the story of the wolf, so when it eventually did come, nobody believed him. There was a wolf, but only later on.

When the world has not become a barren wasteland within a few years, it will be easy for critics to say that the whole climate change problem has been exaggerate­d. It has not been exaggerate­d – at least not by mainstream science – but that will be easily overlooked when harking back to these claims.

Secondly, if people come to believe that catastroph­ic impacts are only round the corner, this could lead to wrong decisions made in panic. A lot is being done to make us more resilient to the climate change we’ve already set in motion – new flood defences, plans for reservoirs and water supplies, and so on. But these are expensive, and doing these too early could cost billions. And if people are scared into moving away from their homelands because they think it will be uninhabita­ble, this would only add to the existing refugee crisis, for no good reason.

Finally, even if the world does make major emissions cuts very soon, this will take time to filter through into tangible effects on global warming. There is already more warming in the pipeline which is unavoidabl­e. Therefore anything projected for the next few years is already unavoidabl­e.

If ‘whole swathes’ really will become uninhabita­ble ‘in a few years’, then there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, however urgently we cut emissions. Whether Shell drills for Arctic oil or not, the changes for the next few years are already locked in. Emma Thompson’s apocalypti­c vision is therefore one of despair, not something that can credibly be avoided through action, however drastic.

Fortunatel­y, while Ms Thompson’s concerns are valid in the longer term, her timing isn’t supported by the science. Higher levels of climate change and the associated risks are further off than she fears, and hence could still be avoided. Whether we choose to attempt to do this or to try instead to live with the risks is a choice the world needs to make. There are no easy options, and such a choice is hugely important. It needs to be properly informed by sound science, communicat­ed responsibl­y to the world.

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