The Scottish Mail on Sunday


Denounced as a sex attacker, demonised by police, dumped by Labour – all on fantasists’ claims. One devastatin­g year in the life of a top DJ in his own shocking words


WITH his warmth, humour and supreme knowledge of music, broadcaste­r Paul Gambaccini is loved and respected by millions. So when he was arrested over flimsy abuse claims, there was disbelief. Yet within weeks he was out of work, denounced, shunned by former friends – a witch-hunt worthy of the Soviets. Until today he has kept silent. Now, though, in this truly disturbing first account of his ordeal, he describes becoming the helpless victim of official prosecutor­s – who seemed determined to stop at nothing to secure a celebrity conviction...

OCTOBER 10, 2014

I RISE at 6.30am in still-dark New York City. Today is the last day on which my bail might be renewed. I will either be released or charged. As I shave, a panic attack sets in. I manage to stagger to the bedroom where my husband Christophe­r is still sleeping. The room swirls around me.

At 7.45am, Chris takes a phone call. ‘I have good news,’ he says with tears in his eyes. ‘No further action.’

Suddenly, I can move without fearing I’m going to fall over. I no longer think I’m going to be sick and I’ve stopped sweating.

The official statement from the Crown Prosecutio­n Service is both gratifying and horrifying: ‘ We have decided there is insufficie­nt evidence to prosecute in relation to allegation­s of sexual offences made by two males believed to be aged between 14 and 15 at the time of the alleged offending.’

In other words there is no – and never was – a case against me.

But this is the first time the specific allegation­s have been made public. The CPS is trying to drag me down with a smear that will stay with me to the grave and beyond.

The CPS disseminat­es lies. It’s time to stop respecting it just because it has the word ‘Crown’ in its name.


. . . OCTOBER 29, 2013

MY NAME is Kafka. Franz Kafka.

At 4.38am I am woken from deep sleep by my doorbell. I decide to ignore it. When it rings again, I look through the peephole and instantly know what is happening.

I open the door to Officer One who tells me he is from Operation Yewtree and I am under arrest for blahblahbl­ah sexual offences.

Christophe­r emerges from the bedroom in time to hear: ‘You are under arrest.’ I look at Officer One and ask: ‘Is this what you wanted to do when you grew up?’

I am to accompany One and his companion, Officer Two, to Charing Cross police station. The rest of the posse remain to search my home for incriminat­ing material. I am asked if I have diaries and reply that I have 38 years of them. All are taken.

Officer One and Two are polite and encourage me to have my normal breakfast of orange juice and croissant before I go. ‘I would not recommend the food in the canteen,’ one says. I put on a blue suit and my wedding shirt, kiss my husband goodbye and enter the underworld.

I have considered a visit from operation Yewtree likely ever since the Metropolit­an Police, having failed to stop the serial offender Jimmy Savile in his lifetime, set up a dedicated phone line and website, and encouraged members of the public to accuse celebritie­s of sexual offences.

I had been the first to speak out about my former Radio 1 colleague, and as a result, my photo had appeared next to his in the newspapers. All it would need was a couple of fragile individual­s to take up the Met’s invitation, add two and two and get five. For several months I have been plagued by periods of darkness.

When I step into the cell in Charing Cross police station, I have been there in my mind before. Now the day is here. I am Yewtree 15, following in the footsteps of Gary Glitter, Dave Lee Travis, Max Clifford, Rolf Harris, Freddie Starr, Jim Davidson [he was never charged] and Jimmy Tarbuck.

I resolve to say something that is obviously by me and not a battery of lawyers. It comes to me instantly, because it is the truth. ‘On Monday 28 October, I attended an excellent production of the musical The Scottsboro Boys at the Young Vic. It concerned a group of black men in Alabama in the 1930s who were falsely accused of sexual offences. Within hours, I was arrested by Operation Yewtree. Nothing had changed, except this time there was no music.’

Anyone knowing the story of The Scottsboro Boys would know that a lynch mob gathered outside their cell, just like the witch-hunt mentality that has gripped Britain in the wake of Savile. As Christophe­r later points out, there is another parallel: the Scottsboro Boys were falsely accused by two white girls whom they had never met. I am being falsely accused by two white men whom I do not recall meeting.

My solicitor, Zahir Ahmed, arrives and reads me the accusation­s, which involve a variety of sexual acts that supposedly took place between 1978 and 1984 when my accusers were aged between 14 and 17. All are said to have taken place in my old flat and that of a neighbour in Hyde Park Square, London. I’ve never seen so much horse manure in all my life. How could the police be so dumb as to fall for this?

I write out a statement before we enter the interview room. I agree I lived in the flat between 1975 and 1983, but vehemently deny the offences. I also deny performing most of these acts during those years, even in consenting adult relationsh­ips. It is possible that I may have met my accusers while I lived in Hyde Park Square, but I do not recall them.

Both Officer One and Officer Two are civil throughout a six-hour interview in which the conversati­on ranges from the banal to the titillatin­g. I describe the layout of the building and amuse the police with a terrific story involving a rock star friend. After a couple of hours we have a break and I phone Christo- pher. It is like a hit of oxygen. He tells me the police have taken away sack-loads of stuff and that the BBC website is reporting that two men have been arrested – a 64-year-old and a 74-year-old. I am Yewtree 15 and he is Yewtree 16.

Back in the interview room, I am hit with a further accusation – that I engaged in a threesome with my neighbour, Yewtree 16. I react spontaneou­sly. ‘Not only have I never had a threesome, if I did it would not involve 16.’

I tell police about everyone who lived in my flat. I mention an American ex-girlfriend, Debbie, who is now married and living in New York. ‘I’ll take that one,’ Officer One jokes. I realise he’s actually not joking and that someone is likely to fly to New York to see Debbie. I emerge from the lengthy session to be informed that I am not charged with any offence at this time. I am released on bail until January 8, 2014. Both of my computers are gone and so is Christophe­r’s. His cameras are gone. So are my US and UK passports, my diaries and iPhone. A number of my tapes have also been removed. I imagine an officer with his feet up on a desk watching my old shows.

Luckily, no one took the iPad. I call my brothers and a few close friends and colleagues. I realise I am now living in a parallel universe. I am going to need a heavyweigh­t team to meet the Met.

The press are circling. An email from a tabloid claims I was seen by eyewitness­es leaving my building shortly after 5am, that the paper is going to name me the next day and invites my comment. Of course, they cannot name me unless I do comment. Curious eyewitness­es at 5am. The weight of the State against me. The press at 20 paces. I am going to have an interestin­g year.

OCTOBER 30 & 31, 2013

MY ARREST is one of the worstkept secrets in police history; a cordon of journalist­s, photograph­ers and TV cameramen surrounds my apartment block. My neighbour, Lee Evans, comes over to sympathise. ‘You want me to get the boys to take care of them?’ he asks in one of his comedic voices. I might have expected humour from Lee. I didn’t expect him to stand at his 12th-floor window and moon the press.

I dread the bandwagon effect. Everyone accused in the recent witch-hunt has experience­d fresh allegation­s of molestatio­n after their name has been publicised.

Otherwise, my attention is focused on my Saturday night Radio 2 show. The BBC makes it clear I will continue on air until I am named or charged and will then return when I am cleared.

NOVEMBER 1, 2013

THE press cordon is still in full effect. We cheer whenever it rains. A tabloid website names me in the afternoon. The BBC goes with the story of my identifica­tion on its 6pm newscasts.

I am off air indefinite­ly.

NOVEMBER 5, 2013

MY FIRST outing since the siege began. Chris and I have dinner with friends from the 1970s, the actor Simon Jones, his wife Nancy, and Monty Python member Terry Gilliam. Gilliam – the film director who so well depicted a dystopia in his classic Brazil – is both fascinated and incensed by my case.

He explains an iniquitous system demands that individual­s be fed into it if it is to continue to exist. Once in, a person cannot escape. I am going to have to endure months of mistreatme­nt. I tell him my case is straight out of the Soviet Union. In England in 2013, all that is required for a person to be denounced is to be denounced. Two people have denounced me, so I am denounced.

NOVEMBER 12, 2013

I EXPERIENCE my first shun: being asked by a nearly hysterical host not to attend the launch of a book concerning Top Of The Pops. I didn’t mind – I was on the show only a handful of times.

At a 25th anniversar­y gathering of Capital Gold DJs, I am welcomed with open arms. Paul Burnett is as witty as ever. Tony Blackburn and Andy Peebles are supportive.

In the evening, Christophe­r and I go to the Wolseley for dinner with magician Derren Brown, who tells me: ‘There was a woman who thought we were married, to the point where she maintained a marital home. One day she suddenly realised I wasn’t her husband and she was really married to [the actor] Antony Sher.’

NOVEMBER 14, 2014

OUT of the blue, I receive a phone call from Conservati­ve MP Nigel Evans, who had been arrested and forced to relinquish his position as Deputy Speaker of the Commons.

He wants me to know what, based on his experience, lies in store for me. ‘They will listen to every phone call you make,’ he warns me. ‘They will read every email. They will try to turn your Facebook friends against you.’ This sounds pretty extreme. He must be having a rough time. At least I got off Facebook months ago.

NOVEMBER 15, 2013

I GO to the London Palladium for the opening night of Dame Edna Everage’s farewell tour. Michael Parkinson and his wife Mary, both of whom I worked with on TV-am in the 1980s, are present. Parky offers full support and inveighs against the campaign against elderly entertaine­rs.

He had dinner with Jimmy Tarbuck last night and is horrified that he can’t work in the current atmosphere.

NOVEMBER 20, 2013

I LUNCH at the Wolseley. Not a single person looks at me as if I am a pervert. Melvyn Bragg assures me that support for me among those he knows is universal. I visit Chris at his office in Soho and he shows me a story in a downmarket tabloid. ‘American Gambaccini was released on bail until January on suspicion of child sex offences,’ the story states. I go through the roof. The Met has leaked again and the allegation­s against me have been reduced to as malevolent a phrase as possible.

In the evening I attend the annual Radio 2 presenters’ drinks party and feel the love. Only one person – Terry Wogan – nods hello and slinks away. No wonder; Terry was the person most mentioned on the Twittersph­ere as being the ‘74-yearold man’ arrested with me. Actually, Wogan is 75, but what’s a year amongst rumour-mongers?

Chris Evans makes an intelligen­t suggestion. He urges me not to comment publicly on my situation. ‘Don’t give it heat,’ he advises. ‘Use this time to do something else and then come back. You’ve earned a break. Take it.’

I leave saying my goodbyes, knowing they may actually be farewells.

NOVEMBER 21, 2013

I WAKE up angry. Four days earlier, I called Amnesty Internatio­nal and have had no return call.

Neither have I heard from Stonewall. I thought Britain’s leading gay rights group would be keenly interested in my case, particular­ly as I helped arrange its initial funding in 1989.

NOVEMBER 24, 2013

THE Beeb wants to drop me from its forthcomin­g series The Life Of Rock With Brian Pern, even though I have already filmed my contributi­on and been paid. I have given the BBC 40 years of service. I may or may not return to radio, but I will never again feel as close to the BBC as I did for decades.

Although I am annoyed, I am furious at my excision from the ITV show The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song. I phone Jimmy Tarbuck, who actually met Elvis. ‘Jimmy, you won’t believe it,’ I say, telling him what happened.

‘I do believe it,’ he replies. ‘They’ve cut me out of the same programme.’ Neither of us has been charged with anything. I make a mental memo to award ITV the Tiny Testicles of 2013 prize when this is all over.

NOVEMBER 28, 2013

LIZ KERSHAW, a BBC Radio colleague, is the first person to introduce me to the mutation of the British legal system Operation Yewtree represents. She rings to tell me the Metropolit­an Police had asked if she would like to make an accusation against Dave Lee Travis.

‘No,’ she replied, adding: ‘Don’t you need evidence?’

‘No,’ she quoted the officer. ‘We only need people who agree.’

The following year I bump into Sandi Toksvig and mention the case against Dave Lee Travis.

Sandi says: ‘They phoned me and asked if I would like to complain about anyone.’

‘Anyone?’ I repeated, genuinely shocked.

‘A-n-y-o-n-e,’ she replied slowly.

DECEMBER 4, 2013

I EXECUTE a £40,000 bank transfer to cover legal fees – more than I’ve been paid for all the episodes of Counterpoi­nt I’ve ever hosted.

DECEMBER 11, 2013

I HAVE been shunned by the Labour Party, which is holding its Thousand Club Christmas drinks tonight. The invitation is on my desk, but since my arrest, it had been decided it would be best if I did not appear.

Only a year ago I hosted a fundraiser for Ed Miliband in my flat. Leading dignitarie­s of the party from Iain McNicol to Chuka Umunna were there alongside celebritie­s including Joan Armatradin­g, Ben Elton, Brian May and David Tennant. One year later, I am persona non grata.

Neither Ed nor anyone else from Labour have had the basic human decency to call to see how I am coping or even what this is about.

It has obviously not occurred to anyone in the Labour Party that something more than manners is at stake here. An injustice is occurring in its own house, yet it turns away from the victim for fear of taint.

So much for the party that fought heroically for the rights of the poor, the black and the gay.

It is now more afraid of a photo opportunit­y gone wrong than it is committed to social justice. Heroism has given way to cowardice.

DECEMBER 13, 2013

HAVING released news of my arrest to the press in near-record time, the Metropolit­an Police inform the media that I have been rebailed without letting me know.

After lunch, I am invigorate­d by a phone call from Charlie Falconer, whom I met in the 1990s and who is now Lord Falconer. He is calling in

his position as head of the Thousand Club.

I am touched by his concern. He tells me he feels the State will not let me down. I can only hope he is right.

DECEMBER 15, 2013

BEING shunned by the BBC, the Labour Party and Amnesty Internatio­nal was bad enough.

Today I learn I’ve been shunned by someone really important. Chris and I go bowling this morning in our usual Sunday morning match at All Star Lanes in Holborn.

When it is all over, I return my personal bowling ball to storage and we change back into our civilian shoes.

I note the glass cabinet that displays signed pins from celebrity bowlers. My pin has been removed. Stephen Fry, Johnny Vegas and Emma Watson are still represente­d. I am gone.

This hurts. I’ve been bowling for over half a century. To be a non-person in my local alley is the ultimate insult.

JANUARY 1, 2014

ON THE streets of New York – with special permission from the Met – during the last week of 2013, I breathe the air of freedom.

I realise that if things really went south for me in Britain, I could one day relocate to the city of my birth. Everyone with whom I discuss my situation expresses incre- dulity at the witch-hunt. Christophe­r and I had brunch with Stephen Fry on New Year’s Eve. He offers to blog on my behalf, but realises now is not the right time.

We need to keep my name out of the press to avoid encouragin­g more distressed individual­s to invent sex stories.

JANUARY 7, 2014

I GO to lunch at the Delaunay as the guest of Charlie Falconer and Margaret McDonagh. I am touched by their genuine faith in me, but I am also aware of something I bring up at lunch … that their Labour Party’s torch has been passed to a new generation that is more interested in photo ops than the fight for civil rights.

I am certainly not encouraged by Ed Miliband, who never did phone me to find out what is happening, even after he has been told that I have been stitched up.

JANUARY 8, 2014

CHRISTOPHE­R calls to tell me I should assume that all my emails have been read by the police.

He explains a banker friend had been summoned by his superiors to explain why the police had asked to access his emails. The police wanted to read a message from Christophe­r sent on his, not my, account. The idea that Christophe­r’s emails are being read by the police infuriates me. Christophe­r Sherwood is my husband and should not be persecuted because the police are pursuing a deranged case against me.

JANUARY 29, 2014

I GET a call from Liza Tarbuck. Her father Jimmy has been hit with a new accusation.

A woman has alleged that in 1963 on Top Of The Pops, Tarbuck told her he would get her a dancing job on the show if she performed a sex act on his road manager. I spot two flaws: Top Of The Pops started in 1964, Jimmy Tarbuck was never on it.

It is remarkable how police officers of the witch-hunt, fine people as individual­s, do such harm as a unit. They believe they are performing a useful

social function when in fact they are profoundly damaging the nation.

FEBRUARY 6, 2014

AT 11.25am, an ITV correspond­ent has tweeted a news flash: WILLIAM ROACHE NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES! I actually dance with joy. Is this the beginning of the fightback, or just a one-off?

FEBRUARY 28, 2014

TODAY marks four months since I was arrested. I have neither been charged or dismissed.

MARCH 5, 2014

IAN McKELLEN sends an email from New York:

‘I often wonder how u are coping and send love, if it helps!’ It does. He continues: ‘Perhaps the Roache and Travis verdicts are encouragin­g: though why you should be linked to anyone else’s supposed misdemeano­urs is part of what’s unfair about it all.’

McKellen has got it in one with his linking of the show trials with the police’s failure to stop Jimmy Savile in his lifetime.

MARCH 24, 2014

JIMMY Tarbuck has been released! After an hour, the euphoria wears off.

The CPS and North Yorkshire Police do not apologise for subjecting a great philanthro­pist who has brought happiness to millions to a year of undeserved emotional torture. They do not proclaim him innocent.

A CPS spokesman repeats the tired line: ‘We have determined there is insufficie­nt evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and have advised the police that no further action be taken.’

In other words, the CPS does not care that a blameless man is sentenced to life under a cloud of suspicion. © Paul Gambaccini, 2015. Love, Paul Gambaccini: My Year Under The Yewtree is published by Biteback on September 15, priced £20. Offer price £16 (20 per cent discount) until September 20, 2015. Order with free p&p at www.mailbooksh­

 ??  ?? ACCUSATION­S: The police station where
Paul was quizzed
ACCUSATION­S: The police station where Paul was quizzed
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? DJ PARADE: Top: Paul, far right, with, from left, Jimmy Savile, Ed Stewart, Dave Lee Travis and Annie Nightingal­e at Radio 1’s 15th birthday party in 1982. Above: Paul with husband Chris in March last year
DJ PARADE: Top: Paul, far right, with, from left, Jimmy Savile, Ed Stewart, Dave Lee Travis and Annie Nightingal­e at Radio 1’s 15th birthday party in 1982. Above: Paul with husband Chris in March last year
 ??  ?? FLASHBACK: How the DJ’s dramatic arrest was reported in 2013
FLASHBACK: How the DJ’s dramatic arrest was reported in 2013

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