The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Five months in – and pension prudence rules

- by Jeff Prestridge PERSONAL FINANCE EDITOR jeff.prestridge@mailonsund­

MOST of us who put money aside every month for our retirement do so because we want to enjoy financial independen­ce in later life. Nothing would appal us more than becoming a future burden on the state – other than maybe a future Labour government headed by Jeremy Corbyn (perish the thought). Work hard, save hard and then retire gracefully – albeit in some style.

As a result, we keep on saving through thick and thin. Think long term, not short term, is our mantra – even when shares in the country’s biggest listed companies go sliding down in value at a helter-skelter rate as they did last month, by 6.7 per cent (the FTSE100 Index).

So, I’m not surprised in the slightest that the latest figures on how much the over-55s are extracting from their pension funds under new freedom rules introduced five months ago show that prudence, rather than recklessne­ss, reigns. After all, responsibl­e savers don’t usually transmogri­fy with age into reckless spenders.

According to data compiled by the Associatio­n of British Insurers from those companies that manage our personal pensions and selfinvest­ed personal pensions – and at some stage attempt to persuade us to buy an annuity – £2.5billion was withdrawn from pensions in the three months to the end of June.

These withdrawal­s were made either as cash lump sums (an average of £15,000) or taken as income under so-called income drawdown plans. These allow you to take an income while your pension (set up as a self-invested personal pension) remains invested. Yes, I know, jargon and more jargon – but don’t blame me, point your accusing finger at the pensions industry.

Of course, £2.5billion is a big number in isolation, but it is hardly confirmati­on of the stampede for the pension doors that some Corbynite pension experts (and certain Guardian columnists) were warning about when the Government gave the green light for the new freedom rules to go ahead.

For a start, a big chunk of this £2.5billion represents tax-free cash – pension withdrawal­s (typically 25 per cent of a pension pot’s value) that were permitted long before the new freedom rules were introduced. So only a slice of the £2.5billion truly represents people exercising their right to access their pensions under the new rules. Unfortunat­ely, the insurance trade associatio­n’s data does not give us a split between tax-free and taxable withdrawal­s.

Also, over the same three-month period, £2.3billion was shifted into pension products – annuities or income drawdown plans – designed specifical­ly to provide retirees and the part-retired with a future regular income.

In other words, despite the new rules and the poor value that many annuities still provide (especially those offered by the provider of your pension fund), many people continue to use their pensions to secure long-term income in retirement. So Lamborghin­is are not on the pensions menu.

Although it’s still early days, all the signals indicate that pension freedom is working satisfacto­rily.

I have backed the pension reforms from the start – George Osborne announced them in March last year. I have always believed that responsibl­e savers should be allowed to determine how they use their pension savings as they make the journey from work to retirement. As longterm savers, we shouldn’t be dictated to by a moneygrabb­ing insurance industry. Nor is it the Government’s role to tell us how we should use our pensions – as past administra­tions have done with draconian rules governing how much income can be taken from a drawdown plan (rules, thankfully, now scrapped).

Yet there are still issues to be tackled. First, too many insurers (the managers of our pension plans) continue to foist poor value, and often inappropri­ate, annuities on us, an issue that must be addressed by politician­s and the City regulator urgently.

Those who want an annuity should be encouraged to find one that best fits their personal circumstan­ces. This is currently not happening.

It’s an issue that will be discussed vigorously tomorrow when the Work and Pensions Committee takes evidence on the quality of financial guidance and advice available to those opting to use their newly won pension freedom.

Secondly, some pension providers are still trying to stop us getting at our pension money by applying onerous exit penalties or enforcing policy small-print from a different pension era. They are doing this because the longer they have our money, the more management fees they are able to extract. Pension freedom is right. But it’s far from perfect.

£2.5billion is a big number, but it is not the stampede for the doors that some predicted

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