The Scottish Mail on Sunday

I snogged Hollywood heartthrob Fassbender on my first day in films

Model tells how Macbeth director sprang romantic surprise

- By Kirsten Johnson

IT is not usually considered one of Shakespear­e’s romantic roles.

Yet Michael Fassbender found himself under the spell of a young witch in the new multi-million pound adaptation of Macbeth.

Scottish model Kayla Fallon, who had never acted before, was asked to spontaneou­sly kiss the Hollywood heartthrob during filming.

And, because it was not part of the original script, Fassbender had absolutely no idea it was going to happen.

The 21-year-old student from Hardgate, Dunbartons­hire, who is studying for a physics PhD at Glasgow University, told The Scottish Mail on Sunday: ‘Thankfully Michael went with it and kissed me back – he is a pro.

‘I still can’t quite believe it happened. I remember going home that night and my boyfriend asked about my day – it might have been in the film, so I had to tell him about the kiss, but he was cool about it all.

‘I was like, “Yeah, it was a good day – and I had to kiss Michael”.’

The kiss did not make the final cut, but it is not something Miss Fallon will forget quickly.

‘We filmed a few different things because the director [Justin

‘I hope my boyfriend doesn’t mind’

Kurzel] wanted to capture natural reactions – Macbeth is meant to be freaked out by the witches and he thought if things were a surprise it would help make it seem real.

‘They tried a couple of takes where Michael would come right up to my face and deliver his lines and then Justin took me aside and asked if it would feel natural to kiss him at that point.

‘So I had to lean in and kiss Michael Fassbender, on camera, and he had no idea I was going to do it.

‘I said “Okay”, of course, and tried to act cool about it but I was thinking “Oh my God”.

‘I felt pretty awkward but I couldn’t react, as the cameras were still running – it was at the beginning of the scene at a camp fire. I had to control myself and not let what had just happened affect me. I didn’t want to be the person who messed up the take when I was surrounded by all these big names.

‘The whole thing remains a bit of a blur and I can’t remember how long the kiss lasted, but I think I was the one that pulled away. I didn’t get to talk to Michael for the rest of the day as we were so busy filming but I do remember him coming up to me later in hair and make-up and saying, “Well done”.

‘I remember he had exceptiona­lly soft lips,’ she adds, joking: ‘I hope my boyfriend doesn’t mind me saying that!’

The other weird sisters were played by folk singer Seylan Baxter and actress Lynn Kennedy while Amber Rissmann, nine, was a child witch.

While she jumped at the role, Miss Kennedy, of East Kilbride, Lanarkshir­e, admitted she found it hard to look at herself in the mirror in character.

She said: ‘In any other context the make-up team would have covered up the dark circles under your eyes from getting up at 4am, and moisturise­d your chapped lips, but I remember them asking if they could keep them.’

Miss Baxter, 47, added: ‘I haven’t dyed my hair for years, so it is completely grey, and I like the fact that it might have helped me get my first film role.

‘I went along to the auditions thinking I would be an extra but the director was looking for the right look and invited me back. I had to play the old witch but I loved it.’ Much of the film was shot on location on Skye – in freezing March temperatur­es. While the Scottish actresses managed to brave the cold, they disclosed that French actress Marion Cotillard, who plays Lady Macbeth, collapsed at the end of one scene.

Miss Kennedy said: ‘Marion had to walk outside in just a nightdress and it was freezing. She managed to hold it together but as soon as the cameras stopped, she collapsed.

‘The mountain rescue team was on hand to make sure we were all safe and they immediatel­y wrapped her in an emergency blanket.’

 ??  ?? ON SET: Kayla Fallon, Lynn Kennedy Seylan Baxter and Amber Rissmann SHOCK: Star Michael Fassbender did not know he was to be kissed CASTING A SPELL: Scot
Kayla Fallon plays one of the witches in the
ON SET: Kayla Fallon, Lynn Kennedy Seylan Baxter and Amber Rissmann SHOCK: Star Michael Fassbender did not know he was to be kissed CASTING A SPELL: Scot Kayla Fallon plays one of the witches in the blockbuste­r

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