The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Our wi-fi system protects us from being burgled


THE clocks go back on October 25 – when nights suddenly fall early and burglaries rise as thieves take advantage of darkness.

Over winter there can be a 20 per cent increase in break-ins compared with the summer, according to police statistics.

The cost to homes in damage, valuables lost and emotional upset can be worsened by a 15 per cent hike in home insurance costs.

With the average buildings and contents policy costing £291 a year homeowners can expect to pay at least an extra £40 a year if they make a claim.

While the odds of being burgled are still slim – affecting only 2 per cent of the 25 million homes in Britain each year – it is easy to make a break-in less likely.

Keeping doors and windows locked when asleep or out is an obvious move, and joining a local Neighbourh­ood Watch scheme not only wards off burglars but can be a source of advice on keeping the home safe.

An intruder alarm can cut insurance costs by 10 per cent but may cost £1,000 to install with annual service charges to pay – but there are other security ideas at a fraction of this cost.

Pari Wright, 26, from Normandy in Surrey and her fiance Peter Hatfield, 28, are installing a £150 wi-fi security system by Response Electronic­s in their first home – a £500,000 terraced three-bedroom Victorian house in nearby Guildford where they will be moving before Christmas.

It detects motion in a room and is attached to an external alarm box that will sound to ward off burglars – and at the same time contact the owners. Pari says: ‘It includes a clever bit of technology that connects to your smartphone and sends text messages if there is any unexpected movement when you are not in the house.’

It may also be worth investing in lights with timers to make would-be burglars think there is someone at home. And outside the property lighting with movement triggers can also deter unwanted visitors.

It is worth seeking advice from a reputable locksmith to ensure the home has the correct locks and that windows are lockable where possible, as approved by home insurance companies.

 ??  ?? PROTECTED: Pari Wright has installed security sensors which can alert her by
text message
PROTECTED: Pari Wright has installed security sensors which can alert her by text message

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