The Scottish Mail on Sunday

All they wanted was my money

- By Gail Porter

IN 2005 I was very depressed and vulnerable. One day I unwittingl­y overdosed on medication and was taken to an NHS hospital to get my stomach pumped. It wasn’t a suicide attempt, just a silly mistake, because I lost track of time and over-medicated. At the hospital it was recommende­d that I go to a facility that could deal with my kind of depression, so I was taken to The Priory.

I remember it was all very formal at the desk. I had to sign in and was taken to a tiny little room and just left there for maybe 20 minutes or so. I was a bit dazed and confused, and I remember feeling very isolated.

A lady came to see me with a clipboard in her hand; she compared me to a car running out of petrol and not functionin­g properly. I just thought it was such a clichéd analogy.

There was a lot of paperwork and when she got to the final bit, she said: ‘Right, well it’s £5,000 a week, are you going to pay by credit card?’ I thought I was just coming in for an assessment – I didn’t really understand what was going on. Once she realised that I didn’t have that kind of money, she told me I should order a cab.

I understand it’s a business, but at that point on that day, it was all a bit daunting.

I remember walking down the long corridors and thinking: ‘How on earth do I get out of here?’, ‘Where’s my taxi?’ and ‘I hope it’s got petrol – unlike me!’

So I got the cab and went home alone and slept, which was all I wanted to do.

Later on I ended up at an NHS facility, which was dire, and after that another clinic called Clouds, which was amazing.

Over time, I started eating more healthily, running and exercising more, and I eventually came off the medication. I’m not recommendi­ng it for everyone, but it worked for me and I’ve never felt better. There’s not the right kind of help out there for a lot of people and unfortunat­ely a lot of it is money-based. If you can’t afford the right kind of help, people feel that they have nowhere to go. I have had friends who have been to The Priory and they have found it to be really beneficial, but this was my brief experience of the place. Gail, left, hosts a Comedy in Reality Television workshop at the Edinburgh Fringe Funny Women Weekend on Saturday.

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