The Scottish Mail on Sunday


It’s the season of winter bugs – but from free flu jabs to cost-effective cures, our guide can help you stay healthy for less (without your finances catching a cold) *How the bug looks under a microscope

- By Toby Walne

‘COUGHS and sneezes spread diseases’ so the 1940s catchphras­e goes. If you want to avoid catching the flu this winter you need more than a spare hanky for protection. Here, The Mail on Sunday seeks expert medical advice on the most cost-effective ways to avoid being hit by winter illness.


WINTER illness can harm not just our physical health but also our bank balance due to the expense of medicines and taking time off work. Fortunatel­y, the chances of being hit by serious influenza are slim – perhaps once every five years.

But for the victims, particular­ly the elderly and frail, the consequenc­es can be fatal. Last year, there was a 17 per cent leap in the number of deaths in Scotland primarily attributed to flu – up 3,336 to 22,011 as winter deaths reached their highest level for 15 years north of the Border.

At least 150million work days are lost due to sickness in Britain every year, with one of the most common reasons for calling in sick being flu. While some work- ers use any sign of an impending cold as an excuse for a ‘duvet day’ those who catch a serious bout may need a week at home to convalesce, no matter what the boss may think.

On top of this is the cost of fighting flu. More than £500million a year is spent on remedies to beat colds and flu. There is also the cost to the National Health Service.


FLU vaccinatio­ns are available for free on the National Health Service to anyone aged 65 or over. Just make an appointmen­t with your local doctor.

Others that qualify for a free jab include the pregnant and anyone suffering from long-term health conditions, such as asthma or diabetes. Some people can also get free jabs at work.

Dr John McCauley, director of the London-based Worldwide Influenza Centre, says: ‘There are many misconcept­ions about flu jabs but the simple truth is they usually keep flu away in half of all cases. So it is one of the best ways to avoid getting the virus.’

Dr McCauley says there are three main strains that flu comes from – and each of these is included in the flu vaccine. But as the bug can mutate, a jab will not automatica­lly beat off a virus.

A vaccine stimulates the body to produce antibodies for the immune system to tackle flu by introducin­g a small amount of the virus.

The so-called type A is the most dangerous flu type and can cause worldwide outbreaks known as pandemics.

A Spanish flu strain in 1918 is considered the most deadly pandemic to date. It killed an estimated 50million people. A more recent swine flu pandemic that swept across the world in 2009 killed 200,000 people.

Other flu strands include type B – affecting young children in particular – and type C that can feel like a relatively mild illness similar to a common cold.

Dr McCauley says: ‘People who complain of flu-like symptoms after having a vaccine should realise it is usually a coincidenc­e.’


IN Scotland, children aged two to five can get a free flu vaccine in nasal spray form, while all primary school children are being offered the vaccine in school until December.

The nasal spray vaccine is deemed more effective for youngsters. It contains viruses that have been weakened to prevent flu and may give children a runny nose. The vaccine is offered at health

centres, doctors’ surgeries or from a school nurse. It is optional but by being inoculated you are not only protecting children from a nasty illness but also family, friends – and you. Dr McCauley says: ‘Flu is unavoidabl­e and for the elderly in particular it can prove fatal.

‘Children who are in close proximity to each other in school are far more likely to transmit it to one another and this can then be passed on to family.

‘When schools break up for the Christmas holidays the number of flu cases often falls.

‘Ensuring children are given the nasal vaccine is good for the health of everyone.’


PRINCE Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, claims not to have suffered from flu for the past 40 years – and at age 95 remains in remarkably good health. Medical experts believe he has probably built up a natural immunity following an earlier bout of the virus, enabling his body to fight off flu strains.

Professor Ron Eccles, director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University, says: ‘The immunity from getting a certain strain of flu can last for years, while the immunity from a flu jab may only last 12 months. This is why you must take the vaccine every year.’ He adds: ‘A member of Royalty may have to rub shoulders with lots of people at events. But they will also benefit from not being forced to travel on overcrowde­d public transport or endure a stuffy office where you are more likely to catch an infection.’

It is not freezing weather or wet conditions that give us flu but being forced into close proximity to one another. If someone coughs, tiny droplets of saliva are transmitte­d across a room.

Prof Eccles believes washing your hands regularly, perhaps after work or a long journey, can also help fight flu as the virus is not only passed through the air but by touch.

He says: ‘There is no point being too obsessive. You cannot avoid colds or the flu but it is easy to take measures to lower the risk such as regularly washing your hands with soap and water.’


COLD and flu symptoms such as a headache, a soaring temperatur­e and feeling stuffed up are conditions you must suffer as part of the natural healing process.

Yet as soon as you feel sick, perhaps a sore throat or a sniffle, you can ease some of the discomfort. Prof Eccles says: ‘Take painkiller­s and then have lots of hot drinks. Remedies such as Lemsip help but you must limit how much you take. By mixing your own hot drinks, perhaps water with honey and lemon, you can drink as much as you want and choose between aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamo­l for painkiller­s.

‘Seek expert advice from a local pharmacist. It is not usually necessary to visit a doctor’s surgery.’

Prof Eccles believes effective fighting tools include nasal sprays Vicks First Defence (£6.49) and Boots Dual Defence (£5.99).

Hot drinks help as they soothe the throat and rehydrate the body. Sweet drinks encourage a natural release of pain relief in the body.

Other effective options include a saltwater rinse of the nose. You can also gargle using half a teaspoon of salt in a cooled pint of boiled water.

Fighting a heavy cold or flu takes a lot of energy as the body’s immune system goes into overdrive. So if possible rest and stay warm. Vitamin C may help tackle colds although research is inconclusi­ve over its benefits. Echinacea, a flower extract, is a traditiona­l herbal remedy that many people use.

The old wives’ tale of ‘feed a cold, starve a fever’ is only half true. You should drink lots and eat well no matter what the illness to fight an infection. Chicken soup can be a saviour.

 ??  ?? REMEDY: Children are being offered the flu vaccine in the form of nasal spray
REMEDY: Children are being offered the flu vaccine in the form of nasal spray
 ??  ?? IN RUDE HEALTH: Prince Philip has not had flu for 40 years
IN RUDE HEALTH: Prince Philip has not had flu for 40 years
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