The Scottish Mail on Sunday

PM lines up IDS to replace Boris... and bans tweeting!

- By Glen Owen

IAIN DUNCAN SMITH is being lined up for a return to the Cabinet after impressing Theresa May with his passionate campaignin­g for a ‘hard’ Brexit.

The former Work and Pensions Secretary, who helped to destabilis­e David Cameron’s Government by resigning over plans to cut disability benefits, is ‘first in line’ for promotion if one of the ‘three Brexiteers’ – Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Brexit Secretary David Davis or Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox – are ejected from the Cabinet.

The news comes as Downing Street has grown increasing­ly irritated by Mr Johnson’s maverick performanc­e as Foreign Secretary, including accusing Saudi Arabia – a key UK ally – of engaging in ‘proxy wars’ in the Middle East.

It produced the latest in a string of slap-downs for Boris by No10, which said his views did not represent ‘the Government’s position’.

But Boris’s defiant allies claimed Downing Street was trying to undermined him because they felt ‘threatened’ by him. And they warned he would not be intimidate­d, saying he was going to do the job ‘in his own way’ by speaking honestly.

No10 also has reservatio­ns about Fox’s performanc­e, having had to warn him against pursuing turf wars with the other Brexiteers.

Former leader Duncan Smith has positioned himself at the head of the ‘hard’ Brexit camp, arguing that the Prime Minister should be prepared to leave the single market to regain full control over borders.

A well-placed source said: ‘The expectatio­n is that if Boris or Liam blow up, Iain will be slotted into their place’.

Meanwhile, reports last night said Mrs May is to receive the cold shoulder at the European Council meeting in Brussels on Thursday by being excluded from a private dinner for the 27 other members of the EU. THERESA MAY has banned ministers and Whitehall officials from using Twitter in the latest attempt to crack down on leaks in her Government.

The order was issued after No10 grew enraged by the amount of ‘message indiscipli­ne’ from ministers and in particular the special advisers – known as SPADS – who work for Cabinet Ministers.

It comes after last week’s Mail on Sunday revealed a memo from Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood warning government department­s against leaking informatio­n about the Brexit process. Sir Jeremy said that a ‘spate of corrosive leaks’ must end on the orders of Mrs May.

A source said: ‘The Twitter ban is all part of No10’s control freak tendency. They worry that it is being used as an instrument of infighting between Government factions, particular­ly the hard and soft Brexiteers in the Cabinet.’

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