The Scottish Mail on Sunday



WHAT madness has infected the European Profession­al Football Leagues in jettisonin­g Neil Doncaster from their board?

This unifying force, this man of the people. What outcome can now befall this organisati­on other than, to pinch a phrase from yesteryear, Armageddon?

As Neil seeks fresh opportunit­ies, he might study the likes of Stephen Craigan, a fellow whose capability for change and diversific­ation deserves admiration.

Stephen, of course, is delivering more knockabout fun than Rod Hull and Emu in his TV double act with Chris Sutton.

Whether it was Motherwell winning big games or going into mourning after the passing of Phil O’Donnell, we reporters stood around Fir Park on many momentous occasions during his time as a player, days in which senior men make statesmanl­ike addresses. From memory, Stephen (pictured below) ignored us pretty much every time. Word was he didn’t care much for our type, which, if true, was his prerogativ­e. Yet, here we are all these years on. He’s on the mic more often than Kanye West, fuming over Ian Cathro as his sparring partner ramps up the panto. Next stop for Sutton must surely be The Wicked Stepmother at the Glasgow Pavilion, one of the few public arenas from which he does not pick up an earner.

His suggestion on BT Sport’s Friday broadcast that Craigan’s unhappines­s over the Hearts boss was down to jealousy resulted in the worked-up Motherwell coach making reference to Cathro not having a UEFA Pro Licence.

Imagine that. Some fellow gatecrashi­ng an industry without ticking off the right boxes. Whatever next?

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