The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Now singles can have surrogate babies in major overhaul of law

Critics slam assault on family values as two-parent rule is axed

- By Sanchez Manning

SINGLE parents will be given the right to bring up surrogate babies in a Government move condemned last night as an assault on traditiona­l family values.

Ministers are changing the law so that it is no longer only couples who can become the legal parents of children born to surrogate mothers.

In addition, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that the Department of Health is preparing the first detailed guidance on the controvers­ial topic.

The Law Commission, an independen­t body that recommends changes to legislatio­n, is also considerin­g new recommenda­tions on sweeping reform to Britain’s strict law on surrogacy.

It says the current rules need to be reviewed because they have ‘struggled to adapt to changes in attitudes, a growing demand for surrogacy arrangemen­ts, and an increasing number of overseas surrogacy arrangemen­ts’.

Cabinet Office Minister Baroness Chisholm of Owlpen told peers last month that the radical changes were needed because legislatio­n dating back to the 1980s was struggling ‘to keep pace with 21st Century attitudes and lifestyles’ and that ‘family structures are now much more diverse’.

But last night family campaigner­s said that research shows children do much better growing up with two parents – and that any liberalisa­tion of surrogacy laws risks treating babies as commoditie­s.

Robert Flello MP, vice-chairman of the All Parliament­ary Pro-Life Group, said: ‘This is about the human rights of the child.

‘The right for the child to have two parents is being deliberate­ly overlooked. A child has the right to be brought up in a loving family by its mother and father and that should be the starting point for Government and society.’

Former High Court judge Sir Paul Coleridge, founder of think-tank The Marriage Foundation, said the planned change was yet another erosion ‘of the traditiona­l model of the two-parent family’.

He said: ‘I have no doubt at all that this change further undermines the well establishe­d principle that children do best when they are brought up in a stable home by both their biological parents.’

Until now, only couples have been able to become the legal parents of a child born to a surrogate mother. But last year, as revealed by this newspaper, a High Court judge ruled that the couples restrictio­n breaches the human rights of single people. The landmark case was brought by a British man who wanted to obtain a Parental Order after paying £30,000 to an American woman to give birth to his child.

Now the Government has revealed that it is to amend the Human Fertilisat­ion and Embryology Act 2008 to remove this restrictio­n because it is incompatib­le with the Human Rights Act.

In future any single person will be able to apply for a Parental Order and so become the parent of a sur- rogate child. The change is being made through a ‘remedial order’, which the Government can use to amend laws at odds with the European Convention on Human Rights without requiring a vote.

Dr Trevor Stammers, of the Family Education Trust which campaigns for family values, condemned the move as ‘an assault on the child and traditiona­l family life’.

He said: ‘Bringing up a child is an extremely difficult task and two parents are better than one.’

Surrogacy laws were introduced in the UK in 1985 after Kim Cotton became Britain’s first surrogate mother by being paid to carry a baby for an infertile Swedish couple.In response to her case, Parliament banned women from advertisin­g themselves as surrogates or receiving payment other than ‘reasonable expenses’.

There are now three not-for-profit agencies that match childless couples with willing surrogates.

As a result of the restrictio­ns on payment, there is a shortage of surrogate mothers in the UK, leading many people wanting a surrogate baby to travel to countries where commercial arrangemen­ts are legal.

The Law Commission will look at claims that the conditions on Parental Orders, needed to transfer legal parenthood from the birth mother to the intended parents, are ‘unnecessar­ily restrictiv­e’.

The Department of Health will also produce on an ‘authoritat­ive’ guide to clarify the rules around surrogacy and emphasise the benefits of undertakin­g surrogacy in UK clinics rather than going abroad.

We are struggling to keep pace with 21st Century lifestyles ... family structures are now much more diverse CABINET OFFICE MINISTER BARONESS CHISHOLM

‘The right of the child is being overlooked’

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 ??  ?? LEGAL CHANGE: The restrictio­n on single people bringing up surrogate babies was ruled in breach of their human rights
LEGAL CHANGE: The restrictio­n on single people bringing up surrogate babies was ruled in breach of their human rights
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