The Scottish Mail on Sunday

If I ever have kids I’ll send them to work at McDonald’s . . . that’s what motivated me

Thoughts of Citizen Khan – from grants for the arts to the rewards of a job

- Adil Ray was talking to Donna Ferguson

Q What did your parents teach you about money?

A THAT you have to work hard for it. My dad was a bus driver and my mum was an interprete­r in the Civil Service. They were frugal and still are.

To this day, when my mum does a Saturday food shop, she goes to at least three supermarke­ts because she knows what is cheapest where and she loves getting a bargain.

It is part of her culture. I have tried to explain that by the time she has paid for petrol and parking, she might not have saved any money. But no, if there are cheaper tomatoes at Lidl, she will get them. I love her for it.

Q How much pocket money did you get as a child?

A A TENNER a week, from my mid-teens. I felt lucky to have that much from my dad and I would make it go a long way.

Q What was the first paid work you ever did?

A WHEN I was 14, I had a paper round in Bournville, Birmingham. I would spend the morning delivering papers and get paid £4.

Just before going off to university I got a job at McDonald’s for £2.96 an hour. I got promoted from cooking fries to cooking fish fillets, and would leave work with big bubbles of burns on my hands.

If I ever have children, when they are in their teens, I am going to get them to do that kind of job. Even if they only do it for a month, they will know what it is like to work really hard for not much money. It motivated me to get a job I would enjoy.

Q Have you ever struggled to make ends meet?

A YES. When I was 26, I had to move back in with my mum because I was not earning enough from my radio work to pay the rent.

I had been fending for myself since I was 18, and then, suddenly, it was like I was a schoolboy again. I was back eating whatever my mum had in the fridge. I did not have much money and could not go out often. It was weird and a bit of a culture shock.

Plus, mums get worried and they say: ‘You’re living at home, you’re not working, is everything going to plan?’ Luckily, after a year, BBC Asian Network gave me a full-time contract.

Q Have you ever been paid silly money for a job?

A YES. I was once offered a 20 per cent pay increase to move from presenting a drivetime show to hosting a breakfast radio show. I remember calling my agent three or four times that day and saying: ‘Have you got this right?’

Breakfast shows are a tough gig and you have to get up extraordin­arily early. But you can earn hundreds of pounds an hour at a national commercial station.

Q What was the best year of your life in terms of money made?

A IT was 2012, after Citizen Khan got commission­ed. It was not how much money I made – I am still not getting paid that much more than when I was doing radio fulltime. It is the fact that it is creative and I get rewarded for something that I have worked so hard to achieve. It is fulfilling.

Q What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought just for fun?

A A JAGUAR XKR. It was a beast but beautiful and I loved it. I leased it and got a brand new one every nine months. I did it for seven years.

Q What is the biggest money mistake you have ever made?

A LEASING the Jaguar. I look back at how much I spent over the seven years – at least £42,000 – and I think: ‘I don’t have those cars now, I did not spend my money wisely’.

It was fun at the time though. Now, I do not have a car. I would love a Jaguar but have decided I want to own one so it is mine for life. I have my eye on the new S-type, which costs at least £50,000.

Q What is the best money decision you have taken?

A PAYING off £2,000 of credit card debt run up at university. I have never used a credit card again. I think they are dangerous. The only interest I ever pay nowadays is on my mortgage.

Q Do you save into a pension or invest in the stock market?

A I STARTED paying a few hundred pounds a month into a pension about 15 years ago. I think it is important I do that – in the industry I work in, you do not get pensions from employers. I would like to be in a position in my 50s or 60s when I did not have to work, although I think I will want to.

Q Do you own any property?

A YES. A huge three-bed flat in Birmingham. It is in a 1930s mansion block. I bought it 12 years ago for £192,000 and I do not think it has gone up much in value since then. It is probably worth about £200,000 now. Most people buying flats in Birmingham want to buy new builds but I love the period features of mine.

I would like to invest more in bricks and mortar and get into buy to let, but it is incredibly tough.

Q How much cash do you carry in your wallet?

A NONE lately because I pay for everything using my contactles­s card. I have to remind myself to get £20 when I pass a cashpoint.

Q What is your one little luxury that you like to treat yourself to?

A MANUKA honey. I spend £40 on a small tub of this New Zealand treat twice a month. I have it on toast.

Q If you were Chancellor of the Exchequer, what is the first thing you would do?

A INCREASE the subsidies for the arts. The one thing Citizen Khan has taught me is that arts, comedy, music and culture brings us all together.

If you are brought up with religion at the forefront of family life, it is likely it is going to play a leading role in your life forever. That can put you in a box. But art and culture can transcend that and engage you with people outside your own community.

All those young people we are hearing about from Bradford and Birmingham who are angry, who are identifyin­g themselves by their faith – I am convinced they are doing so because it is all they have got. They go to the mosque, they go to a school where they do stuff about religion and when they get home their parents want them to read the Koran.

If the Government gave them grants to help them tell stories about other subjects – such as their love of being British or Aston Villa Football Club – it could only be a good thing.

Q Do you think it is important to give to charity?

A YES, it really is. I was brought up to think that. In Islam, you are encouraged to give at least 1.5 per cent of your income to charity. That is something I have always done. Right now, I give to Save the Children, Unicef, Parkinson’s UK, Sightsaver­s and Cancer Research.

Q What is your number one financial priority?

A NEVER to be in a position where I am forced to do a 9 to 5 job. I have a deep respect for people like my father who do such jobs, but personally I want to write and perform and be creative. I do not care how much I earn, as long as I get to do that.

 ??  ?? FAMILY VALUES: Adil Ray, left, and below starring in the sitcom Citizen Khan
FAMILY VALUES: Adil Ray, left, and below starring in the sitcom Citizen Khan
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? INDULGENCE: Ray leased a Jaguar XKR and pays £40 a jar for manuka honey
INDULGENCE: Ray leased a Jaguar XKR and pays £40 a jar for manuka honey

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