The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Heseltine must face facts – the EU is a failure


Writing in your paper last week, Lord Heseltine said that there has never been a time populated with such uncertaint­y for Britain – one of the reasons he says he will challenge Brexit from the House of Lords. A major reason for this uncertaint­y is the refusal of so many public figures to accept Brexit and to work together wholeheart­edly for the bright future which awaits our country outside the failing EU tyranny.

David Hutton,

Lord Heseltine is right to strike a note of caution on our approach to Brexit negotiatio­ns. The decisions about reframing our relationsh­ip with Europe will be generation­defining so mustn’t be taken lightly.

Leaving the single market at all costs will have tremendous and untold ramificati­ons for British business; not to mention for individual citizens, who were given neither the time nor the facts to make an informed decision during the referendum campaign. We have all heard stories of ‘buyer’s remorse’ from voters who now feel they were misled by Leave politician­s over the real impact of Brexit. The health of our economy hinges on what kind of deal we can achieve. It’s likely we will pay a hefty price in return for full control over immigratio­n.

We must be pragmatic about the benefits of EU membership, rather than rejecting it outright, and it is only right that the House of Commons should have the final say. Chris Wright, founder, Chrysalis Records Heseltine and the anti-Brexiteers need to shut up. The country had a referendum and it was a straightfo­rward decision… the democratic vote went in favour of leaving the EU. John Gamby, High Easter, Essex Political zombies such as Michael Heseltine, Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Alastair Campbell and John Major are missing the elephant in the room: the European political project has failed and will fall apart. Being in the EU is like being handcuffed to a corpse. Paul Cullen, Butter Knowle, Co Durham I voted for Brexit but believe the House of Lords made the correct decision regarding the right for EU immigrants to remain in Britain. Human beings should never be used as ‘bargaining chips’ and Theresa May should take the right and moral high ground on this serious issue. Anne Damani, Epsom, Surrey

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