The Scottish Mail on Sunday


No, you’ re not hallucinat­ing. Victoria’ s launched a fashion line for larger ladies

- From Caroline Graham

SHE is known for her haute-couture collection­s and stratosphe­ric price tags. But Victoria Beckham’s new fashion venture seems designed to help her live down her Posh Spice nickname.

The Spice Girl-turned fashion is ta will next week launch her latest clothing range in the pile-’em-high, sell-’em-cheap American retail chain Target.

And what is even more surprising for a brand that has always been modelled by catwalk sirens even skinnier than Victoria, is that the 200-piece collection for women and children caters for the larger lady.

The new range comes in sizes up to American XXXL, the equivalent of British size 24 – a decision Victoria, 42, says is ‘really exciting’ and ‘something that is important and I am proud of’. Her designer range stops at a size 14.

A fashion source said: ‘There is a lot hanging on this for Victoria – it’s so different to everything she has done before. She wants to target absolutely everyone to make sure that she gets every single sale she can. That’s why she’s doing sizes even for the fattest Americans.

‘She usually designs for the very thin figure so it has certainly surprised people. It is a good business decision, though – she needs to start making a profit.’

While she has won acclaim within the fashion industry nearly ten years after launching her first range, Victoria’s high prices – some of her dresses cost almost £2,000 – have been blamed for her lack of financial success. She won’t have that problem with her Target collection, with everything priced at under £33.

Another source close to Victoria said: ‘She is always looking for a way to grow her business. If this works then there will almost certainly be a British version of the range.’

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