The Scottish Mail on Sunday

There’s one thing that may stop these ‘terror’ attacks – but no one wants to know

- Peter Hitchens

THE more we boast about how calm, tough and united we are, the more we prove it is not so. The official response to Wednesday’s events looked like panic and over-reaction to me. Just as in the days after Diana died, we have become a nation of unreasonin­g weepers, laying flowers, lowering flags and lighting candles, and congratula­ting ourselves on how wonderful we are, while not thinking at all.

The only thing missing so far is the Blair creature trying to hijack other people’s tears. Thank Heaven for small mercies.

I suspect there is a large minority, perhaps a majority, gritting its teeth and stifling dissent – for fear that a temporary dictatorsh­ip of grief will punish them for failing to show the required emotions. Maybe it’s just me. Anyway, here goes.

First, I am as grieved by the deaths of a police officer and several other innocents as anyone else. I hope what I write here will persuade people to take actions which will make such things less likely in future.

What should we do? Well, it might be wise to tell the truth. First, we have absolutely no evidence that the Westminste­r murders originated with Islamic State. They claim responsibi­lity for every horror, but on this occasion they were as wrong about the name of the culprit as Channel 4 News.

Surely, if they’d ordered it, they would have known who had done it?

As I have pointed out so many times before, many of these actions are committed by criminal misfits with long histories of theft, petty violence and drug abuse.

The Nice killer, a drunkard and drug-abuser who never went near a mosque, was one such. The Berlin truck-driver was an arsonist, thief and bar-brawler. The Westminste­r killer was another lowlife jailbird, who had been in prison three times for (among other things) stabbing a man in the face. He had several other conviction­s, but Scotland Yard inexplicab­ly refuses to tell me what they were.

A former school friend says he began to go downhill after he started smoking cannabis in his teens. Even if he gave up later, cannabis is linked to long-term, lingering mental illness.

He is also said by some who knew him to have been a bodybuilde­r, so he may have been taking steroids – these powerful mood-influencin­g drugs were also used by the Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Breivik, the rampage killer Raoul Moat, and the Orlando mass-killer Omar Mateen. I doubt we’ll ever know, since the authoritie­s, obsessed with finding links to a bearded supremo in an eastern cave, are almost totally uninterest­ed in the amazingly strong correlatio­n between mind-altering drugs and crazed violence, and so don’t find out.

Why is this? Partly it’s because dogmatic neo-conservati­ves and ‘security’ lobbyists make a good living out of exaggerati­ng the genuine but limited Islamist threat. Partly it’s because our elite is full (for some reason) of sympathise­rs with drug legalisati­on, who are on the edge of success – and really don’t want the world to realise just how dangerous these drugs really are.

Whatever the reason, those who don’t take the trouble to study such events with an open mind are doomed to undergo them again.

HOW much longer can Turkey be allowed to stay in Nato? If this alliance really does exist to defend freedom, how can it tolerate a member whose government has flung so many journalist­s into prison without any sort of due process? Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan is fast turning into a tyrant, dangerous at home and abroad. I am amazed at how little we seem to care.

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