The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Everyone told me music meant a life of penury – but I’ve made 9 albums and toured the world


Q What did your parents teach you about money?

A TO invest it wisely. My dad was a banker who set up and ran the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria for 15 years while my mum was an insurance underwrite­r.

I was born in London but we moved back to Nigeria when I was seven and lived there for ten years. We were comfortabl­e financiall­y and had a cook, driver and laundryman like many other middle-class families in Nigeria at the time.

But I had to work for my pocket money, washing cars and doing odd jobs around the house. My father was determined to teach me the value of money. I could never just walk up to him and say I want so much money. I knew I had to earn it in some way.

Q What was the first paid work you ever did?

A WHEN I was 19 and studying law at university, I worked at a Greek sewing factory in East London. I stitched elements of clothing together for about £120 a week. I only worked there for just over a month and then quit. I could not hack it.

Q Have you ever struggled to make ends meet?

A YES. About 18 years ago. I poured all my money into building a recording studio and was skint for a good year. There were times I struggled to pay my bills and felt like I had failed, as an individual, to support my family. But I ploughed on, finished building the studio and recorded an album in it which generated much-needed cash. Since then, my studio has made recording albums much cheaper because studio costs are the biggest expense an artist faces. Having my own has enabled me to spend more time on my recordings and become the artist I always wanted to be.

Q Have you ever been paid silly money for a job?

A YES. There have been one or two occasions at prestigiou­s internatio­nal festivals where I have been paid £10,000 for just an hour of my time performing on stage. But those opportunit­ies are few and far between.

Q What was the best year of your life in terms of the money you made?

AIT has to be 2015. I released an album, It’s The Peace That Deafens, and toured around the world off the back of it.

Q What is the most expensive item you have ever bought yourself just for fun?

AIT WAS a Neumann microphone for £3,500. I had always wanted one. It is a highly prized piece of equipment and captures sound beautifull­y.

Q What is the biggest money mistake you have ever made?

A THE first property I bought was not such a good investment. I bought a flat in Brixton, South London, in 1991. At the time, that was not a good location to buy. I ended up selling it four or five years later for only slightly more than I had paid when it really should have gone up significan­tly in value.

Q What is the best money decision you have made?

A BUILDING a recording studio. Other artists I know have spent £50,000 recording a single project in a commercial studio. I have recorded nine albums in my studio and it has not cost me anything except electricit­y.

Q Do you save into a pension or invest in shares?

A I HAVE been saving into a pension since I was 24. I panicked because everyone told me the life of a musician meant a life of penury. Now I have a modest amount invested in a self-invested personal pension, a Sipp.

Looking back I think I should have waited a few more years before starting saving. I do not think it is that important to start saving for a pension when you are young. You should live a little and feel able to take risks, and then as the years roll on worry about a pension.

I do not invest in the stock market at the moment. My dream is that one day I will have the spare cash to be able to.

Q Do you own any property?

A YES, my home. It is a five-bedroom house in Bedfordshi­re with a large garden. I bought it in 2007 for £290,000.

I have not checked whether it has gone up in value, but I would presume it has.

Q Do you pay off your credit cards in full?

A I DO not use credit cards any more because I got into tens of thousands of pounds in debt on my credit card when I was building my studio. When I paid it all off, I cut them up and vowed never to use a credit card again. Nowadays, my wife handles most financial matters so I can get on with what I do to make sure we are fed, homed and clothed.

Q How much cash do you typically carry?

A USUALLY none at all. Sometimes a £5 note or a couple of quid will find their way into my wallet but that is quite seldom. Instead I use my contactles­s debit card and Apple Pay on my iPhone.

Q What is the one little luxury you like to treat yourself to?

A EATING at incredible local restaurant­s. One of the perks of my job is that I get to travel. I turn up at lots of lovely places around the world at the behest of other people who then look after me. Wherever I go, I try to eat out at an amazing local restaurant – but not necessaril­y an expensive one.

Q If you were Chancellor of the Exchequer, what is the first thing you would do?

AI WOULD invest in education. I boarded at a public school [Millfield, Somerset] and I would like to make all state schools provide what they do – and then I would abolish public schools. I would also reduce university tuition fees to a nominal amount or even abolish them. I would fund this by increasing corporatio­n tax and offering tax breaks to businesses which fund scholarshi­ps and endowments.

A population of highly educated young people is an investment in society and the economy. That benefits business so I think companies should pay more to help educate students.

Q Do you think it is important to give to charity?

A OH yes, absolutely. I try to do as much as I can. I always try to sponsor friends who are doing things for charity and periodical­ly take part in 5km runs to raise money for a local cancer trust myself. If I am asked to perform for charity, I say yes.

Q What is your number one financial priority?

A I DO not know if I have one. I just want to be secure and maintain my current lifestyle. I feel like it is all working out at the moment and the barometer by which I know I am being successful is that we are still living in a big house. You should not be able to afford to live in a beautiful house when you are a musician. It is the maddest concept in the world. I do.

 ??  ?? A SOUND INVESTMENT: Ola Onabule’s career choice paid off
A SOUND INVESTMENT: Ola Onabule’s career choice paid off
 ??  ?? Singer Ola on stage, top, and using a £3,500 microphone IN FINE VOICE:
Singer Ola on stage, top, and using a £3,500 microphone IN FINE VOICE:
 ??  ?? LESSON: Ola went to Millfield public school – but says private education should be abolished
LESSON: Ola went to Millfield public school – but says private education should be abolished

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