The Scottish Mail on Sunday

I know I’m at high risk... so meat is off the menu


MATTHEW Barnes-Smith, 29, is a part-time youth worker from Hitchin, Hertfordsh­ire. He says: ‘I used to love bacon – and as a 6ft-tall former rugby player, I’d eat meat most days.

‘But in the past few years I’ve really changed what I eat – these days I cook mainly vegetarian or vegan meals. And no more bacon.

‘I made the decision because there is a strong history of bowel cancer in my family, and I want to reduce my risk as much as possible.

‘Diet is key to doing that – in particular steering clear of processed and red meat.

‘My grandfathe­r, John, died in his early 30s from the disease in the late 1960s, leaving my grandmothe­r with four children under the age of seven.

‘My mum, who is in her 50s, began having colonoscop­ies in her mid-20s to check for early signs of the disease, as did her siblings. She had a DNA test organised by the bowel clinic last year, which flagged-up an anomaly.

‘Research into genes for bowel cancer is at an early stage, so they don’t know how significan­t these anomalies are, but she’s now been told to have a colonoscop­y every year, rather than every five years as she did before.

‘I had my first colonoscop­y a month ago. It didn’t show anything of concern and I have an appointmen­t mid-October when I’ll find out how often I’ll need to be checked out.

‘The actual feeling of the colonoscop­y was pretty uncomforta­ble at times, however I chose not to have any sedation because I was driving myself home, and just used oxygen.

‘All the staff were amazing though, and made me feel at ease.

‘I’ve mentioned it to a few of my friends that I’ve had one. I have no fear of talking about cancer or colonoscop­ies.

‘Most people you speak to theses days have had some sort of contact with cancer so are able to talk about their experience­s quite openly.

‘I also do lots of exercise, including indoor rock climbing once a week, yoga three times a week and running at least twice a week.

‘And this week, I took part in a sponsored 30-mile walk for the charity Bowel And Cancer Research to raise money for vital research.

‘So far, I have been lucky enough to remain cancer-free, and I’m determined to keep living life to the full.’

‘‘I have no fear of talking about cancer or colonoscop­ies’’

 ??  ?? FAMILY HISTORY; Matthew Barnes-Smith
FAMILY HISTORY; Matthew Barnes-Smith

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