The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Fund star’s call to female investors

Star fund manager and mother of NINE, Helena Morrissey makes an impassione­d plea to encourage female investors and urges...

- By Ruth Sunderland

HELENA Morrissey is on a mission to persuade more women to invest in the stock market. They are at least as good at picking but far less likely to try their hand.

‘Only around half as many women as men invest in shares through an Isa. Roughly about 17 to 18 per cent of men have a stocks and shares Isa but only about 9 per cent of women,’ she says.shares as men, she says,

‘It is particular­ly pronounced among women in their 40s and 50s, which is the time we should be investing more.

‘Why are we not investing? Well, it’s not that we are not good at it.’

She cites an academic research paper from the US called ‘Boys will be Boys: Gender, Overconfid­ence and Common Stock Investment.’

‘It was published a while ago but still holds good. It looked at 35,000 ordinary investors and found women performed better than men largely because they traded 45 per cent less.

‘If you are really confident your views are right – and I don’t want to be judgmental but it would appear men are more likely to be overconfid­ent – then you trade more, and the trading costs reduce the return.

‘Do I think women are better investors than men? I think we are a bit different. We are very conscienti­ous about doing all our homework. I’m not sure we are averse to risk, but we are very aware of it.’

Morrissey, 51, dislikes the term ‘City Superwoman’, but it’s hard to deny she is one.

After a stellar 15-year career at Newton Investment Management, she joined financial giant Legal & General, which manages nearly £900 million, in a newly created role as Head of Personal Investment earlier this year.

Oh, and she is mother to nine children – six girls and three boys – ranging from the age of eight to 25. Her eldest daughter is the singer Flo Morrissey.

Home is Notting Hill, West London, where she lives with husband Richard, 54, a Buddhist priest who teaches meditation.

As well as her career in fund management she has been a highly effective campaigner for gender equality in the City, achieving results through charm rather than confrontat­ion. Her endeavours earned her a damehood this year.

Far from putting on airs, she’s a little sheepish about using the title on her business card – though few male grandees show any compunctio­n about flaunting their knighthood­s.

‘Women, people in general, haven’t invested because they don’t trust fund managers and because it seems boring.

‘My idea is to get people excited that their money is going to rebuild towns and cities, that it’s being used on infrastruc­ture. If you can think “my money helped build that bridge or went to provide care facilities for the elderly”, that might be a bit more engaging.’

Morrissey’s business, offering savings and investment­s direct to customers, also aims to attract young people. It will have a big launch next year.

Tomorrow she celebrates the 30th anniversar­y of her City career, which began when she started out as a graduate at Schroders, back in the shoulder-padded 1980s, when women had just begun to break into the Square Mile and overt sexism was considered normal.

‘Culturally the City was a very different place. When we start wringing our hands now about sexism, we have to remember what it was like then. We have made progress.’

We should acknowledg­e there are often difference­s between men and women, she says, and not try to pretend otherwise. ‘Girls are different – I have six girls and three boys, I have enough of a sample size.

‘We had a toy cupboard full of toys, so they could have whatever they wanted. The girls wanted the dolls, the little boys wanted the toys with the wheels.

‘Why do we get worked up about that, let’s just get on with working with each other.

‘There is a huge opportunit­y for women to be ourselves, not to emulate men. When I lead, I do it in a more collaborat­ive way. I like to be liked, I have acknowledg­ed that in myself, I don’t like confrontat­ion.’

Morrissey had her first child in 1991 when she was 25 and the last one in 2009. It was easier, she says, with the later children because the internet and new technology made it simpler to stay in touch with the office.

Even so, her schedule is not for the faint-hearted. ‘I get up really early at 5am, get myself ready, do the laundry, a bit of admin, tidy, then at 6.30 get the kids up. Richard and I get the kids’ breakfast together. We write up a board of who is doing what where, who is collecting whom. It has got a bit simpler as some of them have got older.

‘It is not precision engineerin­g, with a big family you have to get used to happy chaos. And I believe in the quality of the work, not the hours at the desk.’

Morrissey found time to set up the 30% Club in 2010, campaignin­g for greater female representa­tion on company boards.

She is a former chairman of the Investment Associatio­n, the industry body for fund managers, and still chairs the Diversity Project, which aims to encourage a more diverse culture in the investment industry. The 30% Club’s midcareer mentoring for women has expanded dramatical­ly, helping more break the glass ceiling. ‘It is hugely exciting,’ she says. She has written a book aimed at young women, A Good Time To Be A Girl: How To Succeed In A Changing Time.

Having children, she says, made her more discipline­d at work.

‘I remember announcing yet another pregnancy and someone said, “I can’t believe she’s pregnant again,” and my boss said, “Don’t worry, she comes back better every time.” That was very generous of him but it does make you focus.’

Being a fund manager, she says, is a good option for women – and men – who want a career in finance and a life.

‘I couldn’t have done what I have done and had all those children if I had been a corporate financier, when you have to drop everything for a deal,’ she says.

‘I know I had most of my best ideas in the shower, or travelling – you don’t have to be in the office all the time to deliver results.’

Despite this, she says the fund management industry is not attracting enough female candidates in the aftermath of the financial crisis.

‘The financial services industry has struggled to attract women, not just here but in the States because it is seen as tarnished post the crisis. Applicatio­ns are down. Anecdotall­y, they have fallen to around 12-13 per cent from 30-40 per cent.’

‘Only around 10 per cent of fund managers in the UK are women. It is so frustratin­g. It is my ambition to change this.’

Morrissey was brought up by teacher parents and attended the local comprehens­ive school before going on to Fitzwillia­m College, Cambridge where she read philosophy.

She’d like the industry to be more diverse in other ways. ‘Forty per cent of fund managers have been privately educated compared with 7 per cent of the population.

‘We need to stop seeing diversity as a problem but see it as part of a solution to the big issues such as Brexit, climate change, the backlash against globalisat­ion, immigratio­n and extremism.

‘We won’t solve all that if we only have one set of views.’

When I lead, I am collaborat­ive... I like to be liked. I don’t like there to be confrontat­ion I had most of my best ideas in the shower, or travelling – you don’t have to be in the office

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 ??  ?? ON A MISSION: Helena wants more women to become fund managers. Left: Her singer daughter Flo Morrissey
ON A MISSION: Helena wants more women to become fund managers. Left: Her singer daughter Flo Morrissey
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