The Scottish Mail on Sunday



IF YOU have a more significan­t amount of weight to lose, you may want to consider a stricter version of my New 5:2, which involves eating 800 calories a day, every day. Studies have shown this can lead to average weight loss of more than 2st in just eight weeks. With some important exceptions, it can be done by anyone who needs to lose significan­t amounts of weight.

If you want to try this sort of approach, I strongly recommend that you visit my website, thebloodsu­, before starting, because it contains lots of helpful advice.

Do not, for example, do this kind of very low-calorie diet if you are pregnant, are breastfeed­ing, are under 18, or have a history of eating disorders. Talk to your doctor if you have a medical condition, are on medication or generally frail.

It is also important that you ensure you are getting adequate levels of vitamins, protein and other nutrients.


ONCE you have started, you will begin to lose weight, fast. Some of it will be fat but initially you will also be passing a lot of urine. It is therefore essential you drink at least two to three litres of calorie-free fluid a day.

The first two weeks are likely to be the toughest but most people find they adapt surprising­ly quickly. A friend of mine who did this diet lost 30 lb and 6in from his waist in eight weeks.

At the end of the first two weeks on this diet you should pause and ask yourself a few questions:

Is my appetite under better control?

Am I sleeping OK? If not, eat your main meal a bit later.

Am I coping emotionall­y? You may feel more irritable but I would be concerned about a prolonged drop in mood.

Am I managing to stick with the diet most of the time? If the answer is no to more than two of these questions, this may not be the right diet for you.

If you are feeling good, then press on, but do another review at four weeks.

Keeping well, mentally and physically, should be your top priority.

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