The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Energy firm has been a bit economical with its credit


Mrs D.M. writes: My husband and I are hoping you can get back money owed by Economy Energy. We overpaid for our gas and electricit­y. We are pensioners and this money is important to us. We have sent emails, but they were ignored. We have made many phone calls and were told the matter would be dealt with within 12 days, but it was not. In the latest call, we were told the payment was ‘in the system’, but we have heard this before. THE problem started last October when you switched to a different supplier for your gas and electricit­y. A spokesman told me: ‘A smart meter exchange on October 13 delayed the final bills being issued as Economy Energy first had to wait on the industry flows to be received before the change of supplier was processed.’

Soon after the company told me this, you received £63 in to your bank account which was a lot less than you expected. Ironically, you also told me that the reason you switched away from Economy Energy was that you found it hard to get accurate bills. I contacted the company again and you were then sent an electricit­y bill showing a credit of £54.

This still did not make sense so I asked Economy Energy to have another go at its sums, and this time it told me: ‘Unfortunat­ely, Mr M’s original £70 payment for his gas supply was not applied to the final bill, in error.’ This has now been repaid to you.

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