The Scottish Mail on Sunday


When pop star ‘Mags’ worked out that the hit Take On Me earned him £2,000 a note it was...

- By Donna Ferguson

THE most money popstar Magne Furuholmen ever earned for a single performanc­e of Take On Me was £2,000 a note.

Furuholmen – better known to music fans as Mags, the keyboard player of the 1980s pop band A-ha – is now a highly successful artist whose sculptures and paintings typically sell for £20,000 each.

But when he first moved to Britain from Norway in 1982, he worked illegally as a builder and barman on a tourist visa and lived in mice-infested bedsits in London with the other members of the iconic band.

He describes staying up all night to record songs, getting into clubs for free and stealing other customers’ drinks before being signed to a record label in 1984.

He co-wrote Take On Me and, shortly after it was released, bought a black AC Cobra sports car worth around £1million today and a twobedroom flat in Kensington.

A-ha is touring the UK on its Electric Summer Tour until June 17. Tickets are available from Q What did your parents teach you about money? A THAT it would not mean anything unless you were happy doing what you were doing. I grew up in Oslo and am from a middleclas­s Norwegian family. My father was a musician who died when I was six years old. My mother was a teacher but she did not push me towards education. She always said: ‘I do not care if you collect dustbins, but whatever you do, be happy.’

She did not have a lot of money when I was growing up but we lived within our means and I did not want for anything. Q What was the first paid work you ever did? A PICKING berries and selling them at the roadside at the age of five or six. But the first meaningful job I had was working at a multi-media arts centre outside Oslo, when I was 16. It had a recording studio in the basement and great artists coming from abroad like David Hockney and Yoko Ono.

I got to meet them – I was one of the assistants running around, sorting out every little thing that needed to be done for their exhibition­s. They gave me the odd kind word but what I found most exciting was peeking into their world. It made me realise one’s hobby could be a way of life. I found that quite informativ­e and inspiratio­nal. Q Have you ever struggled to make ends meet? A YES. Guitarist Paul [WaaktaarSa­voy] and I first moved to London in 1982 and we quickly went through the money we had saved in Norway. We were here on tourist visas and were not allowed to work. So I would do cash-in-hand jobs like working as a builder tearing down buildings with asbestos, and as a barman in pubs for £1 an hour. Sneaking over the border, trying to FAST BUCK: make sure you were not stopped, was always a big issue.

To save money, we would all sleep in one room with a little hotplate and a sink in the corner. There were lots of mice. I remember we caught some and put them in an aquarium as pets. In one place, there was a broken window in the bedroom, which we covered with black plastic. There was also a gas leak. Sometimes there were not enough beds, so we would take it in turns to sleep on bare bed-boards or mattresses on the floor. Q How long did you struggle for? A UNTIL we signed our first record deal in 1984. For two years, we lived in those bedsits. But looking back, it seems like some of the best times we had. We would spend most nights between 1am and 10am in the recording studio, because that was when the studio owner let us use it for free, and then sleep during the day. I was 21 and for me, it was an intense time of creative output. We managed to get by on very little. Lead singer Morten [Harket] would always dress up in outrageous make-up and get us into clubs like Camden Palace for free.

When we got there, we would steal drinks from other customers at the bar when they looked away. Other nights when we might be watching a film the meter would run out, and so we would sit in a dark room, waiting for the sun to come up. If we had told our families, they would have sent us money, but we did not want that – we wanted to make our own way. Q Have you ever been paid silly money per hour for a job? A I THINK once we reached the level of success we did, the money becomes kind of silly in itself. So I think it is healthy I lived through those difficult times beforehand.

There have been a few corporate gigs over the years where I have divided the fee I was paid by the number of notes I played and realised it was silly money. The most I was paid was £2,000 a note for Take On Me during a short, well-paid corporate gig. Q What was the best year of your life, in terms of the money you made? A I HAVE never thought about my life that way, but the last ten years have probably included my biggest earning years. I could not be sure when exactly, but possibly 2009 and 2010 because we did some big tours then.

I still get royalties every year from Take On Me, and other songs too. Everything I have recorded generates an income. There have also been years recently when I have made more money as an artist from my visual practice than from my music. My sculptures can sell for up to £100,000, depending on size. Typically though, a small painting or sculpture sells for around £20,000. Q Did you make a lot of money in the 1980s? A A good year was 1986. But at the beginning, we were not really that business savvy – we felt awkward thinking about the business aspects and we just focused on the music. So we did not care about merchandis­ing in the early days, and a lot of piracy went on. The music industry was different back then. You did tours to promote your record sales, because the major money came from record sales. Now, it is the other way around. Certainly in terms of payments to the band members, the last 15 or 20 years have been better than the early days. Q What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought yourself, just for fun? A A BLACK AC Cobra, in the 1980s. It cost me £150,000. I should never have sold it. It would be worth more than £1million now. Q What is the biggest money mistake you have made? A SELLING my two-bed, twobath, split-level flat in Kensington in 1990. I had bought it for about £200,000 in 1986 and sold it for about the same amount or less. It would be worth millions now. Q What has been your best money decision? A BUYING my family home, a large property by the ocean just outside Oslo, in the early 1990s. That was where my kids grew up. It was a good life decision as well as good money decision. I do not want to say exactly how much it is worth but I know it is a lot. Q Do you save into a pension or invest in the stock market? A NOT into a pension. I do not really think about my retirement. I am not planning to stop working until I keel over. I do not personally invest in the stock market, but I do have some money invested. I leave decisions to a financial adviser now. Q Do you own any property? A AS WELL as my home, I have a property in the South of France and also a mountain lodge in Norway. I do not own any property in the UK but I am contemplat­ing buying something. I miss having a home here. Q What is the one luxury that you treat yourself to? A GOOD food and good wine – and making sure friends have a good time. I treat myself to that as often as I possibly can, probably too often. Q If you were Chancellor of the Exchequer, what is the first thing you would do? A I WOULD introduce a universal basic income for everyone on a level that ensures that nobody is living below the poverty line. Q What is your number one financial priority? A TO ENCOURAGE my children to use money responsibl­y, for the greater good, rather than extravagan­tly. I do not want them to grow up differentl­y from their peers.

 ??  ?? ON TOUR: A-ha’s keyboard player Magne Furuholmen on stage in Rio. Below left, one of his sculptures
ON TOUR: A-ha’s keyboard player Magne Furuholmen on stage in Rio. Below left, one of his sculptures
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Magne spent £150,000 on an AC Cobra
Magne spent £150,000 on an AC Cobra

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