The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Murdered by ‘joyride’ gang, chef who came to Scotland for a better life

- By Katherine Sutherland

A MURDER hunt was under way last night after a man was killed in a suspected attack by joyriders.

Lionel Simenya – a chef who moved from the central African state of Burundi to start a new life in Scotland – is thought to have been asleep in his car when it was hit by another vehicle.

Police said that he had then been involved in an ‘altercatio­n’.

Officers were alerted at about 3.50am on Thursday after Mr Simenya, 36, was found with serious injuries.

Emergency services were called to the scene on Fords Road in Edinburgh but he could not be saved.

Yesterday the victim was formally named by police, who also announced they were opening a murder inquiry.

In a statement, Mr Seminya’s devastated family spoke of their ‘profound shock’, saying that anyone involved ‘should search their conscience’.

Mr Simenya moved to the UK from Burundi several years ago.

Police described him as a highly respected, hard-working man who kept himself to himself.

In September, a photograph of him featured in an online gallery of employees given a ‘superstar award’ by recruitmen­t company Blue Arrow.

A recommenda­tion beside it stated: ‘I would like to put forward our chef Lionel Simenya. Lionel is always picking up extra shifts and always gets great feedback from clients. He is always positive and happy to do any of the jobs put forward. A superstar in my eyes.’

Detectives are trying to establish whether or not a stolen Peugeot car found abandoned in the same street is connected to the murder. Police and forensics officers have been examining the scene.

In a statement issued through Police Scotland, the family of Mr Simenya said: ‘We are profoundly shocked and extremely saddened that our beloved Lionel has been taken from us in such a cruel manner.

‘Lionel was a hard-working and dedicated chef who had won an award for his skills. We would ask anyone who can help police with their investigat­ion to get in touch and provide any informatio­n that can bring those involved in his death to justice.

‘Anyone who was involved should search their conscience and realise that our family have been left devastated by their actions. Hopefully then they will do the right thing.’

Detective Inspector Stuart Alexander, from the Major Investigat­ion Team, said: ‘It is understood that Mr Simenya was within his vehicle in Fords Road and has become involved in an altercatio­n.’

He asked for anyone who was in the area at the time or who may have dashcam footage to come forward.

‘We have a full team pursuing various lines of inquiries and I am particular­ly keen for anybody in the surroundin­g area who has private CCTV or dashcam footage from the early hours of Thursday to contact us.

‘Lionel Simenya moved to the UK a number of years ago. He was a highly thought of, hard-working man who kept himself to himself and has met a tragic death.

‘Our deepest sympathies are with the family and we are pursuing various lines of inquiry to identify those responsibl­e for causing his death.’

He added: ‘I am confident the answer to solving this horrific crime lies in the communitie­s of Edinburgh and no matter how insignific­ant you think any informatio­n is, please contact us and let us assess it.

‘This must be playing on the conscience­s of the individual­s responsibl­e and I would urge those people to come forward.’

‘Our family have been left devastated’

 ??  ?? VICTIM: Lionel Simenya with his award and, left, forensics officers at murder scene
VICTIM: Lionel Simenya with his award and, left, forensics officers at murder scene

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