The Scottish Mail on Sunday

No10 leaked poll: Most voters don’t care about the backstop


from pollsters BMG on behalf of the newly formed Brexit Party, which is backed by Nigel Farage, found that 37 per cent of Tory voters would consider voting for the hardline Euroscepti­c party if Britain’s exit is thwarted.

Another poll last night suggested growing support for No Deal. The survey by ComRes found 44 per cent of the public agreed that the UK should leave without a deal if Brussels makes no further concession­s.

A similar poll in January found 38 per cent agreed. to convince MPs that the public are on her side. And she has warned that the Conservati­ves face a wipeout at the English council elections in May if Brexit is not resolved by then.

The Downing Street polling shows that by a margin of 66 to 11 per cent, voters agree that ‘MPs are playing party politics rather than getting behind the Prime Minister’. And 72 per cent NEARLY three in four Leave voters believe MPs should ‘stop focusing on issues like the backstop’ and vote for Theresa May’s deal, leaked polling data reveals.

And more than half of those who backed Brexit at the historic 2016 referendum agree that, despite the Prime Minister’s deal not being perfect, the time has come for MPs to back it, according to Downing Street’s private polling.

In a last-ditch bid to convince her own MPs to fall in behind her, the Prime Minister is using the stark data, seen by The Mail on Sunday, of Leave voters agree that ‘MPs should stop focusing on issues like the backstop and instead just get Brexit done’. This is compared to just 11 per cent who disagree.

Nearly two in three Leave voters said ‘the Brexit process has gone on long enough so MPs should back the Prime Minister’s deal and get it done’, compared to 23 per cent who disagree.

Pollsters on behalf of the Conservati­ve Party surveyed 2,000 voters between February 21 and 24 this year.

Meanwhile, a separate survey

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