The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Why I, as Queen of Woke, applaud the prospect of a Royal lesbian power couple... with a brood of non-binary kids

Hilarious politicall­y correct manifesto from the (spoof ) spokespers­on for Snowf lakes


TITANIA McGRATH, supposedly a blonde ‘keyboard warrior’, has amassed a huge following on social media thanks to a ludicrous – yet all-too-plausible – stream of ‘right-on’ commentary for a Millennial generation.

Then, last week, the author of this hilarious parody was sensationa­lly unmasked… as comedian Andrew Doyle, an Oxford-educated white man with a doctorate in early Renaissanc­e poetry.

Here, unloading her militant views for the very first time since ‘she’ was publicly exposed, Titania delivers a strident new manifesto for readers of The Mail on Sunday.

WHEN I told my fellow activists that I would be writing for The Mail on Sunday, they almost choked on their grilled kale and rolled pancetta salads. After all, this is a publicatio­n that has provided a platform for those who believe Brexit is not necessaril­y a bad thing, or that boys can’t have periods.

However, as a radical intersecti­onal feminist, I consider it a moral duty to educate those who are not sufficient­ly woke.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the word ‘woke’, it is shorthand for those of us who are committed to inclusivit­y and social justice.

Throughout my adult life I have fought for progressiv­e causes through a combinatio­n of activism and slam poetry, which is like regular poetry but usually delivered by hipsters in the basement of a vegan bistro.

I have always been woke. As a baby, my first words were: ‘Seize the means of production.’ Minority groups adore me, because I am brave enough to stand up for their rights, even when they don’t know what’s best for themselves.

For too long, bigots have hidden behind the outdated principle of ‘free speech’ in order to justify expressing the wrong opinions. Free speech is a dangerous Western ideology invented by fascists to spread hate. A kind of hate spatula, if you will.

It has been gratifying to see the emergence of woke role models such as myself who can educate the masses in the correct way to think. Even the Royal Family have achieved a heightened state of wokeness thanks to the influence of Meghan Markle. In many ways, Meghan is the archetypal modern feminist. She is young, photogenic, internet savvy, and is known to perform creative feats with an avocado.

She is a formidable activist who, through a strict regime of Vedic meditation, is able to achieve a total state of mindlessne­ss.

In addition to her lifestyle blogs, Meghan has sought to promote gender equality by writing motivation­al slogans on bananas and giving them to prostitute­s. This not only inspires the prostitute­s to find more lucrative employment, but they also reap the nutritiona­l benefits of a fruit that is naturally rich in potassium.

Meghan’s intention to raise her child as gender neutral is laudable. The cryptofasc­ists at the Palace have denied these rumours, but Meghan is right to insist that we should never assume gender, even for the unborn. There isn’t an ultrasound in the world that can as yet detect a non-binary foetus. The emphasis on ‘facts’ rather than feelings is everything that is wrong with the field of medical science. For my part, I like to educate people by changing my pronouns every fortnight and reporting anyone who misgenders me to the police.

Thanks to his wife’s influence, Prince Harry now wears an ‘Oura ring’, which monitors his sleep patterns, his level of fitness, and allows Meghan to pinpoint his precise location at any given time through GPS technology.

Inevitably, the media have been quick to mock Harry as being emasculate­d by an overbearin­g wife. But, let’s not forget, masculinit­y is a disease and Meghan is right to rid her spouse of the symptoms. If Harry continues along this cur- rent trend there is every chance that he might transition to female. I can think of no better way to rejuvenate our stale Royal institutio­n than the introducti­on of a proud lesbian power couple with a brood of non-binary offspring.

Of course, not everybody has access to the kind of resources that the Royal Family enjoy. Some of you have limited incomes, or live in Third World countries such as Somalia or Wales.

Others are simply ignorant of this entire new woke movement, and find it difficult to keep up with progressiv­e trends. This is why I am here, to guide you towards a state of true enlightenm­ent. Your first step must be to acknowledg­e your privilege. If you are a white male you are an oppressor and should self-flagellate regularly to atone for your crimes.

And if you are straight you need to accept that your very existence is a form of tyranny against LGBTQIA+ people.

Believe me, future generation­s will thank us if we successful­ly eliminate heterosexu­ality.

You must guard against cultural appropriat­ion. In January, a comedy club at the University of Quebec quite rightly banned a white comedian for sporting dreadlocks.

No doubt this clown thought he was making some kind of edgy joke, but this lack of sensitivit­y makes him no better than the plantation owners of the slavery era. Racial and cultural boundaries must be strictly policed at all times (unlike gender, which is totally fluid).


AS A woman living in a patriarcha­l world, I am keenly aware that I will always be oppressed, no matter how much I try to distract myself with weekend breaks in the Maldives or the occasional spree at Harrods. And it’s certainly not easy identifyin­g as lactose intolerant when you have no digestive problems whatsoever.


WE’VE all seen the ghastly demonisati­on of Shamima Begum, a young woman who had fled the UK because Muslims were underrepre­sented on the BBC.

Many argued that she had surrendere­d her right to return when she joined a genocidal, medieval death-cult. But my sister once got caught stealing a croissant during her gap year in Marseille, and we still let her come home. Teenagers make mistakes.


...TO SHOW that you care. It is a source of constant frustratio­n to me that my three houses are all in predominat­ely white areas.

I have tried my utmost to acquire something in a more diverse area such as Hackney, but I’ve never been able to find a suitable

three-bedroom detached house with a south-facing garden.


BEING skinny is an act of passiveagg­ressive fat-shaming.

We all have a responsibi­lity to gain as much weight as possible in order to combat such systemic forms of oppression.

Alternativ­ely, you could simply identify as fat. That way, you can be an ally to the cause, but you don’t have to worry about type 2 diabetes or looking rough in a thong.


LAST week I chained myself to the door of my local butcher’s shop dressed as a Brussels sprout in order to show my disapprova­l for their lack of vegan options.

Next month I’ll be collaborat­ing with my local mosque to arrange a charity slut-walk to raise awareness about Islamophob­ia. A slutwalk is a form of protest where women walk together wearing hardly anything at all. I haven’t approached the imam yet, but I’m sure he’ll be up for it.


...AND accept the social constructi­on of beauty. If you have sex only with people you find attractive, you might want to ask yourself why you’re such a superficia­l bigot.


FOR instance, instead of saying, ‘All straight white men are evil’, you should say, ‘I refuse to redact my positional­ity in deference to hegemonic cis-axial neopatriar­chy normalised through oppressive structural discourse sofh et ero pestilenti­al violence enacted on bodies of colour’. I COULD go on and on. We need to stop publishing books by white authors, eliminate gender segregatio­n in sports, support the celebrity millionair­es who are bravely seeking to stop Brexit, obliterate capitalism in all its forms, and find a way to reduce the gender pregnancy gap.

Join me, and together we shall achieve our woke utopia.

Oh, and buy my book. I’m saving up for a new broodmare.

WOKE: A Guide To Social Justice, by Titania McGrath, is published by Constable and available to buy at Amazon.

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