The Scottish Mail on Sunday



IN 2012, Rachael Ferguson was declared cancer-free following two years of aggressive treatment for stage three breast cancer, including the removal of her left breast.

Within a year, she had undergone a reconstruc­tion, with a textured silicone breast implant. ‘I was so happy with the results – the NHS surgeons did a great job,’ says the 58-year-old, right, from Bathgate, West Lothian.

Yet just five years later, her oncologist delivered a new life-shattering blow.

Rachael says: ‘My breast was increasing­ly firm and red so my oncologist replaced the implant, but the pain continued and something didn’t feel right. Tests revealed tumours in the tissue around the left breast and I was told it was caused by my original implant.’

Neither Rachael nor her oncologist had ever heard of BIA-ALCL.

‘I wasn’t warned about the risks back in 2013 because no one knew much about it,’ she says. ‘But had I known, I would never have chosen a reconstruc­tion.’

Thankfully, Rachael’s condition was detected early and hadn’t spread. It was curable with the removal of the implant and the tissue where her left breast would have been. She says: ‘The thought that I had done something to make me ill again was horrible. I lost 2st in two months because I was sick with worry. I felt like I was back to square one.’

Rachael has been left with a ‘sagging pouch’ on her chest and attends screenings every three months. Despite the trauma, she doesn’t blame the NHS surgeon for neglecting to tell her the risks. She says: ‘The implant companies should pay for what they’ve done to us.’

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