The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Angry at BoJo? No, I’m such a fan I bet on him to be PM!


PLANS have a way of going astray when Boris’s sexual adventures are involved. When it comes to women, especially smart, attractive women, he is inclined to risk all.

As somebody who has been flattened, Big Daddy-style, by the emotional carnage that he often leaves around him, I found myself questionin­g his moral character. But my conclusion is that Boris is simply unique because of his election-winning charisma. When my hopes of marrying Helen blew up overnight, it was hard not to feel angry but, as the weeks and months passed, I realised I couldn’t judge him.

I too had a failed degree in human relations. I knew what it felt like to be a ‘hack on the rack’, homeless and facing an expensive divorce. I felt for Boris, who had by now been slung out of his home ‘like a tomcat’ by wife Marina.

I also came to realise, over time, that he did me a huge favour: my life wouldn’t have turned out quite so well without our strange entangleme­nt.

People often ask me about my thoughts on Boris. My answer? Trust the women, not the jealous rivals. The women in his life – many of them smart, feisty and attractive, like Helen – have mostly remained stoically supportive. That’s an unusual form of loyalty and testament to his many qualities.

Personally, I took the view that smart and intelligen­t women are more reliable judges of human character than most. Smart women can’t stand pessimists.

While others wrote him off, I found myself placing a £150 bet two years ago on him to be Prime Minister, at 6-1. I’m glad I did! I have become a true Boris believer.

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