The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Complete Spring Flowering Bulb Collection – 300 bulbs!


AUTUMN’S the perfect time to plant bulbs to bring your garden to life next spring – and we’ve got a fantastic offer to ensure your plot gets off to a fabulously colourful start in 2020.

We’re giving you the chance to buy 300 bulbs that’ll give you months of colour for just £14.99 plus £5.99 p&p* – that’s less than half the normal price you’d pay for bulbs of this quality. The bulbs are perfect for patio containers or flower borders and, best of all, they should naturalise, so you’ll get displays for years to come.


Tall Tulips ‘Triumph’ Mixed x 20 bulbs. A kaleidosco­pe of colour. Incredibly versatile, very strong and sturdy, with the classic tulip shape.

Miniature Narcissi Mixed x 20 bulbs. Brilliant in pots, this mixture produces plenty of pretty blooms from late February. Vigorous and strong.

Crocus Mixed x 25 bulbs. Striking spring flowers, great for pots and containers. Dutch Iris Mixed x 25 bulbs. Elegant straight stems topped with flag flowers.

Brodiaea x 50 bulbs. Light violet, star-shaped trumpet blooms are held at the top of slender stems. Allium Neapolitan­um (White) x 40 bulbs. Pure globes of lacy-white flowers. Muscari x 50 bulbs. The well-loved grape hyacinth with spikes of deep blue, densely packed flower heads, great in beds and pots.

Allium Moly x 50 bulbs. Bright yellow heads of tiny flowers. Great for beginners.

Ipheion uniflorum x 20 bulbs. The spring starflower has pale silver-blue star-shaped flowers.


1. Go to 2. Search for the product code MS-3149-5009. 3. Add to basket – your discount will already be applied. 4. Complete your purchase – and enjoy your beautiful bulbs!

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