The Scottish Mail on Sunday



WHEN was the last time you squatted? And I don’t mean a polite bob to pick up a heavy shopping bag – a proper, deep, bum-almoston-the-floor squat.

Often, when I get them to try, my clients will struggle because it’s not something we do very often.

There are cultures where squatting and sitting with legs crossed is part of dayto-day life – from negotiatin­g low tables in Japan to squatting over a toilet in India.

The constant opening-up of the hips is a surefire way to keep the whole body in good condition.

Over the next few weeks I’m going to take you through a set of squat warm-up exercises invented by fitness expert

Ido Portal.

I do them, as a series, before any big exercise session. But it’s a great thing to do in itself, daily, to keep everything well oiled.

Sit in a deep squat with your heels on the ground.

Try not to go on to your toes as this can hurt your knees.

Place both hands in front of you in a prayer position and place your elbows on the inside of your knees.

Push elbows away on the knees, opening up both knees at the same time while your hands, still in a prayer position, are lowered. Repeat 20 times.

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