The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Even a stroll in the park helps


MODERATE aerobic exercise – about 30 to 45 minutes a day of walking, biking or running – can more than halve our risk of catching common winter maladies, and of having a particular­ly severe form of them.

Some cells that deal with viral infections and cancer surveillan­ce increase tenfold after just one bout of exercise activity. And it may sound strange but it’s true – exercising a few minutes before a vaccinatio­n can even improve its protection.

The Government recommends at least 150 minutes (two hours 30 minutes) of moderate aerobic activity with at least two muscle-strengthen­ing activities per week.

But walking for one hour a week has been shown to improve overall health in the long term.

Get physical throughout the day by taking stairs not lifts, walk to the station rather than getting the bus, meet friends for a stroll in the park instead of a coffee or a drink, or try a standing desk.

You can use YouTube to find a ten-minute workout to fit into your day.

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