The Scottish Mail on Sunday

At last! Rishi’s lifeline loans are starting to come through


SLOWLY but surely, small businesses are obtaining much-needed finance from the Government-backed Coronaviru­s Business Interrupti­on Loan scheme. Yet, as SARAH BRIDGE reports, it hasn’t all been plain sailing. Some have accessed funds quickly while others have been left waiting anxiously. A few have thought on their feet and come up trumps as a result...


EMBARKING on an ambitious expansion strategy at the start of this year might, in hindsight, sound like awful timing, but for Staffordsh­ire-based Titanic Brewery it turned out to be a godsend.

The craft brewery, founded in 1985 and owned by Keith Bott – former chairman of the Society of Independen­t Brewers – and his brother, David, had been seeking additional finance to allow the company to expand its 13-strong pub chain. But their bank was playing hardball and demanding personal guarantees for the extra funding.

‘Having spent 35 years with similar guarantees hanging over us, we were keen not to have them again,’ says Keith, with more than a dose of understate­ment.

The brothers instead switched their business banking to

Barclays where no such guarantees were demanded. But just weeks after securing an additional borrowing facility, the lockdown was announced. With all their pubs shut and brewing stopping altogether, the financial situation looked dire for Titanic.

Their only survival option was to seek an emergency loan, known as a Coronaviru­s Business Interrupti­on Loan (CBIL).

As Barclays already had all the upto-date business figures on Titanic, Keith says it was able to ‘come back to us almost overnight’ to arrange the loan. Now Titanic has £1million sitting in its bank account, enough to keep the business going for a year.

‘Barclays has been absolutely fantastic,’ says Keith. ‘Having the money there is a real weight off our minds. I really can’t praise them enough.’

Almost all of Titanic’s 250 employees have now been furloughed – with the company topping up the Government’s contributi­on so they get 100 per cent of their salaries.

But online and brewery shop sales have doubled. After four weeks lying idle, last Monday the company started brewing beer again. ‘It was lovely walking into the brewery to the smell of brewing,’ says Keith.


KEITH Bott knows Titanic is one of a minority of businesses that have so far secured a financial lifeline from the Coronaviru­s Business Interrupti­on Loan scheme.

Thousands of British businesses which have seen their income annihilate­d by the lockdown are fast running out of money and many are reporting long delays to access the scheme.

Thankfully, the speed of lending by banks to small and medium-sized businesses has increased from a painfully slow start – with the latest figures showing total lending doubling in the week to April 21 to a total of £2.8 billion.

But thousands of businesses are still in limbo waiting to get loans approved. Former Royal Marine Steve McCulley runs Lios Bikes in Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire. Having taken on new premises in January and a business loan to fit out the new shop, Steve has seen his overheads shoot up. While he can still carry out bike repairs and maintenanc­e under Government guidelines, his core income stream of fitting and selling bikes has vanished, thanks to social distancing rules.

Last month, he applied for a Coronaviru­s Business Interrupti­on Loan with his bank NatWest. After initially not hearing anything for several weeks, he has now gone through a lengthy loan applicatio­n and has been told that he will get something – although he has no idea if it will be the £50,000 he asked for.

‘It was not knowing what was happening that was frustratin­g,’ says Steve. ‘I’m now just keeping my fingers crossed.’

Rowena Howie was in a similarly precarious position. After her central London boutique clothes shop Revival Retro closed in response to the lockdown, she spent more than four hours trying to get through to her bank on the phone seeking a Coronaviru­s Business Interrupti­on Loan.

She then had to chase her applicatio­n online and via email for weeks. ‘It was a nightmare,’ she says. ‘Your livelihood is being affected but so is your mental health. You can’t think about anything else but at the same time you’re totally stuck.’

After several weeks of getting nowhere, Rowena started raising money to meet her bills via Crowdfunde­r under the banner Save Revival Retro. So far, she has raised £18,000 from loyal customers that will help meet her payroll costs and other financial commitment­s.

When her bank finally got in contact to discuss a loan, she believes that the hundreds of donations and compliment­ary messages helped tip the balance in her favour. She has now been told that her applicatio­n for an £80,000 loan has been successful.

‘I knew it was going to take a long time, but a month without any

was way too long,’ she says.

Dan Yates initially thought his company – a booking website for thousands of camping and caravan holidays – would escape the worst of the economic fallout from coronaviru­s. ‘Our sites are in remote locations, many in the UK, and you can stay on them while observing social distancing,’ he says. However, with the lockinform­ation down of the entire leisure sector, his income has plunged 98 per cent, meaning he has had to trim costs and furlough staff while keeping the business going.

‘We can’t just hibernate,’ he says. ‘It’s critically important to be able to be ready if and when things open up again. Our high season is between May and August so if we are able to be up and running at any point, then we have to be able to take advantage.’

While Dan has benefited from a 50 per cent rent reduction from his landlord Workspace and reduced prices from some of his IT providers, Pitchup doesn’t qualify for any small business grants.

Dan is now about to apply to his bank for a Coronaviru­s Business Interrupti­on Loan, having reduced costs as much as possible and gathered together all the necessary paperwork.

‘It’s been really unnerving,’ he says. ‘The only good news is that bookings for next year are 30 times higher than they would usually be.’

 ??  ?? WE’LL DRINK TO THAT: David, left, and Keith Bott have secured a £1million loan from Barclays for Titanic Brewery
WE’LL DRINK TO THAT: David, left, and Keith Bott have secured a £1million loan from Barclays for Titanic Brewery

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