The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Covid Sturgeon ‘grandstand­s’ in Italy


NICOLA Sturgeon has been accused of ‘grandstand­ing in Italian newspapers about independen­ce’ while Covid cases soar.

The First Minister was silent on her Government’s response and vaccinatio­n plan yesterday but found time to talk about her referendum plans for foreign media.

Writing in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, she said: ‘We are committed to adopting a legal and constituti­onal course to become an independen­t state. As an independen­t member of the European Union, Scotland could be a partner and a builder of bridges. More and more people in Scotland believe our aspiration­s can best be met by continuing to contribute to the common effort and solidarity the EU represents.

‘Due to Brexit, we can now only do so as a fully independen­t state.’ But Scottish Tory MSP John Lamont accused Ms Sturgeon of ‘spending her time cosying up to European newspaper editors’ rather than ‘producing a workable vaccine plan’.

He added: ‘Independen­ce, referendum­s and strutting on the world stage is what makes Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP tick. Getting this pandemic under control and rolling out an antidote will always take a back seat.’

Anas Sarwar, Scottish Labour’s Brexit spokesman, said: ‘Nicola Sturgeon should be focusing on the worrying increase in Covid infection rates and the mismanagem­ent of the SNP Government’s pandemic response.

‘Instead, she is grandstand­ing in Italian newspapers about Scottish independen­ce.’

Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said: ‘In the middle of a global pandemic with thousands dead and more in hospital, the First Minister’s instincts are to seek her lifelong goal rather than put the recovery first.’

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