The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Chocs away! Now civil servants banned from sharing treats in off ice

- By Vic Rodrick

SCOTTISH civil servants have been banned from eating unwrapped chocolates at work in case it spreads coronaviru­s.

Bosses have ruled that sharing food puts staff at risk of catching Covid – a claim refuted by the Food Standards Scotland (FSS) agency.

Workers have now been urged to have only sweets that come in their own individual wrappers.

Last night, Scottish Tory health spokesman Donald Cameron said: ‘It does seem a little over the top to be issuing diktats about how others should eat chocolate.

‘The SNP Government already has a track record in playing up nanny state politics during the pandemic, including producing a public booklet instructin­g people about how to be polite.

‘They should think twice about this kind of action. People are finding it hard enough without being treated in a draconian manner.’

The ruling might be good for the waistlines of those office staff who are unable to work from home for certain tasks.

But it runs counter to advice from FSS, which says: ‘There is currently no evidence to indicate that food is a source of Covid-19.’

The quango said thorough and frequent hand-washing was essential to help minimise the spread of Covid-19 from any surfaces that may have become exposed, including packaged and unpackaged foods. But the Government’s guidance on infection prevention and control in workplaces states: ‘To protect yourself and others at work during the festive season, you and your employer should remember the virus moves through points of contact so avoid sharing food, including cakes or confection­ery.

‘Bring your own cake but don’t pass around the box of sweets.’

The advice also urges civil servants to avoid leaving crisps and sandwiches open for sharing.’ It adds: ‘The risks of infection remain. Your employer should continue to follow existing health and safety guidance and you should follow the latest guidance on keeping you, your colleagues and your loved ones safe at this time of year.’

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals service, where staff have been working during the pandemic, said it was following the Government’s guidance on food safety for private and public sector workplaces.

A spokesman added: ‘SCTS has not issued a separate instructio­n. Managers are expected to follow Government guidance.’

A spokesman for the Scottish Government’s marketing, insight and internal communicat­ions unit said: ‘We don’t have a policy on this... we have very few staff in our buildings.’

 ??  ?? KIT-KAT DIKTAT: Civil servants have been advised not to share biscuits or unwrapped chocolates
KIT-KAT DIKTAT: Civil servants have been advised not to share biscuits or unwrapped chocolates

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