The Scottish Mail on Sunday

If a British court sends Julian to face life in a US jail tomorrow, this country’s no longer a safe haven for free speech

Like him or loathe him, Assange’s case has profound implicatio­ns for us all, says the mother of his children...


AMONTH ago, I would wake up in the middle of the night seized by a recurring nightmare: my little boys, Max, 22 months, and Gabriel, who is three, had been orphaned. I was still here but their father was not.

Their father is Julian Assange, the publisher of WikiLeaks. Today, that terrible nightmare is all too close to becoming a reality.

Julian has been on remand in Belmarsh prison in South-East London for almost two years. He is fighting a political extraditio­n to the United States, where he risks being buried in the deepest, darkest corner of the US prison system for the rest of his life. Julian embarrasse­d Washington and this is their revenge.

The nightmares came to a sudden stop the week before Christmas, when a groundswel­l of support from all sides of the political spectrum called for President Trump to pardon him.

A leaked audio recording of Julian talking to the US State Department unmasked the trumped-up nature of the charges against him. Leading figures, from former vice presidenti­al candidate Sarah Palin to Nobel Prize winners, such as human-rights campaigner Adolfo Perez Esquivel, have been calling for Julian’s freedom.

So far, there has been no pardon. But tomorrow, a British magistrate will decide whether to order Julian’s extraditio­n or throw out the US government’s request.

If Julian loses, I believe that it would not only be an unthinkabl­e travesty but that the ruling would also be politicall­y and legally disastrous for the UK.

That is because Julian’s case is not about what some people would have you think it is about.

His role in founding the WikiLeaks website is well known and it is fair to say Julian has angered many government and establishm­ent figures around the world. WikiLeaks has published thousands of sensitive classified documents, many from the US military.

Yet Julian has been acting in the same way as any other journalist would in attempting to hold the powerful to account.

President Obama’s administra­tion realised this, and understood that charging Julian would require them to prosecute internatio­nal media outlets. After all, newspapers, websites and TV stations had published substantia­lly the same revelation­s as WikiLeaks. That is why, at the end of his term in office, Obama freed WikiLeaks’s US Army Intelligen­ce source, whistleblo­wer Chelsea Manning, from jail.

With Trump, however, the mood has changed dramatical­ly and under his administra­tion, journalist­ic practices have been pursued as crimes. WikiLeaks and Julian have been accused of ‘endangerin­g national security’, but US prosecutor­s admit they have no evidence to support claims that WikiLeaks publicatio­ns caused physical harm to anyone. Perhaps that explains why their tactics have become increasing­ly desperate.

During Julian’s extraditio­n hearing at the Old Bailey in September, the court heard evidence that CIA contractor­s were plotting to kill him with poison while he was in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Agents-turned-whistleblo­wers, who were granted anonymity by the court due to their fear of reprisals, also admitted targeting our then six-month-old baby to steal his DNA. They told the court that they had installed hidden microphone­s to spy on Julian’s solicitors’ meetings. The offices of his lawyers were also broken into.

It might seem unthinkabl­e that a British court would give its stamp of approval to such rampant, illegal actions by the US. It might seem equally unthinkabl­e that a man who was practising journalism in this country, perfectly legally according to UK law, could be tried in a foreign land and potentiall­y jailed for life.

But that is what would happen if the UK decides to extradite Julian. It would rewrite the rules of what it is permissibl­e to publish here. Overnight, it would chill free and open debate about abuses by our own government and by many foreign ones, too.

In effect, foreign countries could simply issue an extraditio­n request saying that UK journalist­s, or Facebook users for that matter, have violated their censorship laws.

Reporters Without Borders and the National Union of Journalist­s have said that as long as Julian remains in prison facing extraditio­n, the UK is not a safe place for journalist­s and publishers to work.

The press freedoms we cherish in Britain are meaningles­s if they can be criminalis­ed and suppressed

Now even a country like Azerbaijan is lecturing us on press freedom

It is a fight for our family – and everyone’s right to live in a free society

by regimes in Russia or Ankara or by prosecutor­s in Alexandria, Virginia. If Westminste­r Magistrate­s’ Court accepts the US arguments tomorrow, every other country can use them, too. It would place an impossible burden on you, me, everyone, not to violate foreign censorship laws.

Countries such as Azerbaijan are already lecturing the UK about press freedom because of Julian’s incarcerat­ion. It has become an easy way to score cheap political points against Britain. ‘What about Assange?’ is the perfect comeback to criticism of human-rights abuses.

The US-UK Extraditio­n Treaty, a relic of the Blair era, is partly to blame. It grants the US privileges the UK does not have: the US can reject an extraditio­n request, as it has done to prevent Anne Sacoolas from facing justice after being charged with causing the death by dangerous driving of 19-year-old motorcycli­st Harry Dunn following a road crash outside a US military base in Northampto­nshire. There is no prima facie evidence requiremen­t and US claims cannot even be cross-examined in court.

Still, you might say, once extradited, Julian would face a fair trial. You might assume that he would, for example, be allowed to exclude hostile jurors. You might assume that he could defend himself by arguing that it was his duty to expose war crimes, torture and state illegality, and that the public had a right to know. You might assume he would be treated equally

according to the law. But you would be wrong. I believe the verdict is a foregone conclusion.

In Alexandria, there is a special rule that jury members cannot be excluded because they work for the government. Julian’s case could have been tried elsewhere in the US but prosecutor­s chose to try it there, a state that houses US intelligen­ce headquarte­rs.

The court complex is just 15 miles from CIA headquarte­rs. The state is populated by employees of the very sector that Julian exposed, people who have sworn oaths of allegiance to defend America against all enemies.

The legislatio­n under which Julian is charged does not allow a public interest defence. The US does not dispute that what WikiLeaks published was of the highest public interest – it simply says it is irrelevant and Julian should go to prison regardless.

The Trump administra­tion has argued that because Julian is not a US citizen, he would not enjoy constituti­onal free-speech rights.

This alone should mean that a UK judge throws out the extraditio­n request. To allow it would expose everyone to the risk of discrimina­tion in a foreign court on the basis of nationalit­y.

In the US, I believe Julian would face a certain and monstrousl­y unjust conviction.

You might think that his case is somehow special. It is not. As far as the precedent is concerned, I believe Julian might as well be a British journalist working for The Mail on Sunday.

The extraditio­n concerns the US and Julian today, but next time it could be Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Russia demanding that we send journalist­s to stand trial in their courts.

The precedent would make political extraditio­ns permissibl­e. The accepted scope of the Official Secrets Act would radically expand to match the Trump administra­tion’s interpreta­tion of the 1917 Espionage Act, under which Julian has been charged on 17 counts.

Even re-reporting informatio­n that someone else has already published would be an offence.

Extraditin­g Julian would be so manifestly unjust that it seems impossible. But it is not. It is precisely at times like these when our rights are most easily taken away from us, while we are distracted with major global issues such as Brexit and Covid.

Tomorrow’s ruling comes just four days into Brexit. It could be regarded as a metaphor for Brexit itself: will Britain’s values assert themselves against outside interferen­ce, or will Britain and its people be pushed around by others?

No matter what happens, we will continue to fight for what we know is right.

It is a fight for our family, to give our sons the right to grow up with their father. But it is also a fight for justice and a fight for everyone’s right to live in a free society.

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