The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Now Brexit hero Boris can build a better Britain


Well done Boris for delivering Brexit. No other Prime Minister could have achieved what he did. Let’s now give him our full support as we go into 2021. Things will get better and the UK will prosper. We have a great leader at the helm.

S. Martin, East Preston, West Sussex

These negotiatio­ns proved to me that the vote to leave the EU was the right one. I always felt as if we were controlled by Brussels rather than being on their team. They literally held us to ransom over negotiatio­ns for years until Boris stood up to them.

Emily Francis, Nottingham

To get a trade deal in the middle of a pandemic is pretty impressive. The majority of the country voted to leave the EU, and Boris has delivered exactly that. To expect anything more than what he has achieved would be unrealisti­c given that the EU could never let us appear to be winners.

M. Smith, Manchester

The tricky bit is not leaving the EU but making Brexit work. If Boris can do that and keep the UK together, he’ll deserve to be called what Andrew Roberts terms a ‘weather-maker’ Prime Minister.

Mike Birch, Liverpool

The deal confirms what we Brexiteers have said all along: the

EU sells more to us than we do to them. We had the upper hand all along, if only we realised it. Theresa May wasted three years letting the EU walk all over her due to her desire for the approval of the great and the good.

C. Taylor, Wellingbor­ough,


So many people after the referendum vote were, at best, critical, and, at worst, extremely insulting to those of us who dared vote Leave. We were told so many awful things would happen. But they haven’t. Other countries will soon notice and follow our lead. January 1, 2021, marked the beginning of the end for the EU.

Name and address supplied

Let’s just hope that there is the political will to take advantage of the freedom that’s been gained: to move forward and reform the remaining negative parts of the Leave agreement. There’s an opportunit­y here. It mustn’t be lost.

K. Michaels, Oxfordshir­e

Nigel Farage showed true grit to go against the majority to campaign for the things he believed in. He deserves an honour – without his input we wouldn’t be at this stage today.

S. Shaw, London

As Mr Farage said in his article last week, Brexit is ‘an epic triumph of the people against the political classes’. MPs voted 498 to 114 to implement Article 50 in February 2017. We should have been out by March 2019. The political class stopped our exit. Now we have finally left nearly two years later. We have been warned by this delay that democracy is not respected.

D. Roberts, Wigan

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