The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Wrap up warm for WINTER

Snow, rain and ice can take their toll but some easy fixes now can give tender plants a fighting chance of survival

- Martyn Cox

WINTER weather can really knock the stuffing out of our gardens. One minute they’re subjected to a severe cold snap, the next they are being battered by gale-force winds. Oh, and let’s not forget about snow, sleet, hail and incessant heavy downpours that can leave plots looking as if they need a good wringing out.

Well, there’s nothing we can do about adverse conditions but there’s certainly no need for gardeners to let the weather have the upper hand. There are some clever ways to prepare your outdoor space for whatever winter throws at it, ensuring that plants and features stand a fighting chance of making it through to spring.

My starting point when getting the garden winter ready is to protect borderline-hardy architectu­ral plants from frost. I stuff a handful of straw into the crown of tree ferns to insulate embryonic fronds and shield cordylines, olive trees, oleanders and Mediterran­ean shrubs with pull-over, horticultu­ral fleece jackets.

CANNAS, dahlias, pineapple lilies and many other summer flowering ‘bulbs’ originate from warm parts of the world and will rot in cold, heavy, wet soil over winter. Lift bulbs, corms and rhizomes carefully from the ground, wash off soil and allow to dry. Place in trays of dry compost and store in a frostfree place.

In mild gardens with free-draining soil, you can leave bulbs in the ground. Prepare them for winter by cutting back dead and dying foliage, and then cover with a 3in-deep mound of garden compost or bark chippings. Write the name of the plant on a label and stick it alongside as a reminder of what’s taking refuge.

Continuous rain is the scourge of container gardeners as it leads to roots rotting in soggy compost. Prevent problems by moving pots next to a sheltered wall or fence, and raising them off the ground on ‘pot feet’. This allows excess moisture to escape through the drainage holes and avoids puddles forming underneath.

Most terracotta containers aren’t designed to deal with freezing temperatur­es and will crack if water gets into crevices and expands when frozen. Shield individual pots by wrapping with bubble wrap, hessian or tarpaulin – tackle groups of them by packing together and running a strip of material around the outside.

In exposed gardens, evergreen shrubs are prone to wind scorch. Protect small specimens with firmly anchored horticultu­ral fleece and larger ones with windbreaks made from tree stakes and netting. Also, tie in wayward stems of climbers and tighten loose tree ties, preventing bark from rubbing against stakes.

Newly planted trees and shrubs are vulnerable to wind rock, where relentless buffeting backwards and forwards leads to a gap opening around stems. The movement can damage roots and the cavity acts as an entry point for frost. Check susceptibl­e plants regularly and re-firm in the ground if they have been loosened.

Not every garden will experience a heavy downfall of snow, but it’s best to prepare upright conifers for the worst. Wayward branches can easily break under the weight of snow, so prune out offending shoots, or tie in branches by encircling the entire plant with twine.

Shake downfalls from the branches of other trees, shrubs and bamboos, and try not to walk on snow-covered lawns as it can damage grass and lead to an outbreak of fungal disease.

Elsewhere in the garden, store hosepipes in a frost-free place to stop water freezing inside and splitting the tube, and drain water from butts to prevent the barrel fracturing. A sheet of ice on ponds can prevent the escape of gasses harmful to fish and wildlife, so float a small ball on the surface to keep a patch ice-free.

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 ?? ?? HIGH AND DRY: Put pots on feet to prevent puddles forming underneath
HIGH AND DRY: Put pots on feet to prevent puddles forming underneath
 ?? ?? COLD SNAP:
A wintry scene in a garden in the Scottish borders
COLD SNAP: A wintry scene in a garden in the Scottish borders

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