The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Not Queen’s job to promote this climate dogma


I respect Peter Hitchens for his comments last week about the monarchy. For nearly 70 years the Queen has kept her political views to herself, never voicing an opinion about any issue facing the British people. So why do we now have not just Her Majesty but Prince Charles and Prince William espousing the need for us all to follow the global climate crisis dogma? Next, they will be telling their subjects how to vote.

William Smith, Carlisle

As a great admirer of certain members of the Royal Family, and an advocate of stopping climate change, I don’t feel that the

Royal Family’s stance is ‘political’. The vast majority of people in this country have the same views about this key issue. Please, Peter, don’t despair and continue to support our Queen in her quest to help all of humanity.

Peter Sutcliffe, Durham

The monarchy is in a desperate state at the moment and will cling on to any cause in order to try to win support.

William Owen, Nottingham

Thank you, Peter, for saying what a lot of us are thinking. The Queen has become far too political.

D. Walker, Stafford

Her Majesty may not have had a choice in taking this political position. For example, George V assenting to the Parliament Act 1911 was a constituti­onal requiremen­t, so maybe the same has happened here.

T. Arnold, Leeds

The Royal Family are a beacon of hope and have a passion lacking in virtually all of our politician­s. Nothing has seriously been done to tackle this climate emergency. Our Royals have attempted to find solutions and often highlight the plight of small businesses. I am astounded Mr Hitchens’s loyalty to our Queen can so easily be broken.

Judith Moore, Birkenhead

I agree with Peter – and I am a Royalist. It is a pity the Queen now has this on her reputation after all the good she has done. The Royal Family’s younger members have lost my support and it’s such a shame. I feel Prince Charles and his sons have pushed their agenda through the Queen’s influence.

Doris Fletcher, Sandbanks

Nature is not political. Anyone in a leadership or influentia­l position who doesn’t support taking action is letting down not just this generation, but all those to come.

Martin Abbott, Accrington

I was disappoint­ed to see Peter criticisin­g the Queen. In her almost 70 years on the throne, nobody can accuse her of being ‘cajoled or otherwise persuaded’, especially on global warming.

At 95 years of age, she has seen it happening. Climate change is real and it is affected by human activity. It is time for action, and we must all pull together.

Stasha Martin, East Preston

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