The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Why do I always feel such nausea when I wake up?

- Ask Dr Ellie

A FEW months ago I started to wake up feeling sick, and this lasted about an hour before passing. More recently, I’ve been suffering the same nausea intermitte­ntly during the day. My GP ordered blood tests, but these came back normal. The GP is now stumped. Any ideas?

I CAN’T emphasise enough that any new and persistent symptom, particular­ly if you’re over 50, should always be explored thoroughly by a doctor. For most people, nausea is a transient symptom lasting only a few days. It is not usual to feel nauseated every morning and regularly through the day.

Blood tests give us a general overview of health and can sometimes point to serious causes, but they do not provide a complete picture.

Regular nausea could be caused by acid reflux, gastritis, migraine, anxiety or, much more rarely, pancreatic cancer. None of these would necessaril­y be flagged up in a routine blood test.

Nausea is a common side effect of medication, and this should always be considered as a possible cause.

It can also be related to particular foods, as well as alcohol – particular­ly in excess.

With any new symptom, especially when persistent and significan­t, further investigat­ion may be necessary. For ongoing nausea, this may involve stool tests or an ultrasound, as well as tests such as an endoscopy. This involves a tube with a camera attached being passed down the throat and into the stomach, which is uncomforta­ble.

FOR 25 years I have been on a daily pill called venlafaxin­e for anxiety. It works, but at times I feel I’m in a bubble, and my marriage has suffered due to my total lack of libido. Is there an alternativ­e without this effect?

VENLAFAXIN­E is an antidepres­sant prescribed in the UK for generalise­d anxiety disorder – the name we give the mental health condition that means people feel anxious constantly, rather than in response to specific events.

It’s a type of medication known as a serotonin-norepineph­rine reuptake inhibitor, or SNRI. These work by boosting levels of chemicals called serotonin and noradrenal­in in the brain, which are linked to mood and energy.

They were developed to be more effective than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, and while there’s been mixed evidence that they are in terms of treating depression, they have been shown to be effective for anxiety.

As with all medication­s, they have side effects. For many people, the benefits outweigh the downsides. But when the side effects are so significan­t that they impact on quality of life and relationsh­ips, it is right to explore other options.

The most common side effects from venlafaxin­e are nausea, sleepiness, constipati­on and a lack of energy. It is also known to increase blood pressure and affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Sexual difficulty is a recognised side effect of antidepres­sants and many drugs used for mental illness.

Other medication­s are available to treat anxiety, including those from the SSRI group such as escitalopr­am. It may also be that side effects are lessened with a lower dose.

After 25 years, any change to medication needs to be taken incredibly slowly. Withdrawin­g from medication in a case like this would take months, before a slow introducti­on of a new tablet. Any trial of new medication needs to be supervised carefully by a GP or psychiatri­st.

I HAVE developed a prickly itch on my thighs, bottom, arms, neck and chin – with no rash. It all started when I had a Covid jab and has got worse since my booster. Could it be an allergy to the vaccine?

ITCHING might sound trivial but it can be a distressin­g symptom. It’s also often self-perpetuati­ng, as when we itch, we scratch, which makes the itch worse.

Itching in sweaty areas such as underarms, the inner thighs and neck could indicate a couple of things. Warm, moist areas are ideal places for a fungal or yeast infection such as thrush to develop. There may be no clear rash, but it would be worth trying an anti-fungal or anti-thrush cream for a few weeks to see if it helps you.

The other possibilit­y with itchiness in these areas is urticaria – itchy, red, raised patches or spots that develop due to high levels of a chemical called histamine in the skin.

Histamine is released as part of the immune system response, but it can also be triggered by eating certain foods, by exposure to heat or cold, as a result of an infection or as a reaction to medication.

Whatever the cause, it’s a good idea to try an oral antihistam­ine tablet regularly to reduce the itch. It also helps to calm the skin as scratching is reduced. Antihistam­ines can be taken at night and in the daytime on the advice of a pharmacist.

Skin reactions are listed in the official advice as being common side effects of all vaccinatio­ns. This should therefore be reported by the doctor as a potential side effect to the Covid jab, using the MHRA ‘Yellow Card’ reporting scheme.

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