The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Showdown as Sturgeon and Boris clash over Covid cash


BORIS Johnson demanded Nicola Sturgeon spell out exactly what new lockdown measures she is planning as the two leaders held a showdown over Covid cash.

Sources say the First Minister was put on the spot as the Prime Minister asked her what measures she wanted funding for to blunt the spike of Omicron cases.

The SNP has made repeated complaints about a lack of additional funding from the Treasury over the past week – despite receiving £14.5 billion over the course of the pandemic – but has refused to set out exactly what policies additional funding would be for.

Polling shows Scots are strongly opposed to another full lockdown, which would require funding to support jobs and businesses at a key time of year.

Ms Sturgeon has urged the UK Government to ‘get its finger out’, warning it would be ‘unconscion­able’ not to provide additional cash.

A UK Government source said the Prime Minister asked her to spell out what the money would be for, and which policy choices Ms Sturgeon backed.

It is understood she did not have the details then, but Ms Sturgeon’s own spokesman has said further talks were expected to take place over the weekend.

That could see a plan set out to impose tougher restrictio­ns on Scots, as concern grows over the spread of the Omicron variant.

However, polling of 1,259 people by YouGov for the Scottish Election Study found strong opposition to a full lockdown, with 36 per cent saying ‘never again’.

Just 3 per cent said Ms Sturgeon should seek to slam Scotland back into lockdown right now, with the closure of many shops, hospitalit­y and other businesses and strict stay-at-home laws.

Businesses have already suffered after Scots were advised not to hold Christmas parties, resulting in a rush of cancellati­ons.

Ms Sturgeon has provided an additional £100 million for businesses affected, including £66 miltional lion for hospitalit­y, £20 million for the culture sector, £8 million for food and drink companies, and £3 million each for the wedding and tourism sectors.

However, last night Scots Conservati­ves said that Holyrood should use more of the money it has received throughout the pandemic to better support companies and jobs.

Liz Smith, Tory finance spokesman, said: ‘It is time for Nicola Sturgeon to stop playing constituga­mes and urgently step up and support businesses through this extremely tough period.’

Ms Sturgeon, who still plans to hold an independen­ce referendum by the end of 2023, has repeatedly complained that borrowing powers lie with Westminste­r.

Scottish Labour urged the First Minister to focus on funding businesses and jobs, rather than her own grievance agenda.

Daniel Johnson, Labour finance spokesman, said: ‘Extra funds must be used to support businesses and communitie­s, not to fund grievance or play politics.’

When asked last night what it wanted additional money for, the Scottish Government declined to comment.

‘Nicola Sturgeon must stop playing games’

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