The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Prioritise women over trans inmates


The case of transgende­r prisoner Karen White being able to sexually assault inmates in a women’s jail – reported in last week’s Mail on Sunday – shows how trans groups have pushed prisons into making decisions that have clearly harmed women and put staff in an extremely difficult position.

All British prisoners have protection under the Human Rights Act, which involves humane facilities and conditions. However, jail is a punishment – not just because it takes away your freedom but because, in many ways, it also strips away your identity.

It’s a place where dignity, privacy and control are given up to guards and prison administra­tors, and is supposed to be such a difficult time for people that the experience should then deter them from committing any further offences. If a transgende­r prisoner feels discomfort at the mismatch between themselves and their fellow inmates, then tough luck. They aren’t there to be content.

We urgently need to start prioritisi­ng the safeguardi­ng of women and girls over the feelings of male-bodied people.

Emilie McRae, Trowbridge, Wiltshire

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