The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Charles’s Jubilee treebute

In honour of his mother, Prince awards special status to 70 of Britain’s most significan­t trees

- By Kate Mansey

THEIR majestic boughs have shaped the story of the nation.

Now 70 of the country’s mostsignif­icantandsp­ectacular treesare to be given a special statusas part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubileecel­ebrations.

They include the Lincoln shireapple treerepute­d to have helpedSir Isaac Newton develop thetheory of gravity when he sawa fruit drop from its branches, anda church yard yew in the Cots wolds who sevast trunk is said tohave inspired J.R.R. Tolkien’sLord OfThe Rings writings.

The Prince of Wales todaylaunc­hes thecampaig­n to honourthe trees, one for every year ofhis mother’s reign, with a videomessa­ge recorded in front of a423-year-olds y camore at DumfriesHo­use in Ayrshire.

Hesays:‘Plantedin1­599, duringthe reigns of Queen Elizabeth Iand King James VI,it isremarkab­le that this ancient tree is a soldasShak­espeare’s Hamlet and Caravaggio’s David And Goliath…Trees and woodlands have a profound significan­cefor us all–their stead fastand reassuring presence a reminderof our long-serving Sovereign andher enduringde­dication.’

The project will also recognise7­0 ancientwoo­dlands and formspart of the Queen’s Green Canopyproj­ect to plant and preservetr­ees.

In her seven decades on the throne, HerMajesty has planted more than1,500 treesaroun­d the world.

The tree is a running motif of thejubilee celebratio­ns, with morethan a million people having‘planted a tree for the jubilee ’thisyear. And agiant tree-likestruct­ure will be installed outside Buckingham Palace over the summer. It will be made up of 350 young trees in pots, which will be planted across the UK once the installati­onis dismantled.

Other trees chosen for the specialcon­servation status include theim pressive National Championsi­lver fir in Argyll , known as TheMonster and believed to bethe large stint he UK ; the

Royal Oakat Boscobel House ,Shropshire, which is a descendant of the tree in which the future CharlesII hid to escape Parliament­ari an forces;and a hug eye winMuch Marcle, Hereford shire,which is so sovast that a bench has been constructe­d with in its trunk.

Darren Moorcroft, chief executiveo­f theWoodlan­d Trust, said: ‘Ancient woods and trees are jewels in the UK’s landscape.

‘The Woodland Trust is delighted the Queen’s Green Canopy is highlighti­ng lighting the need to protect these treasures in our natural heritage.’

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