The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Peter Andre in legal talks over Rebekah ‘f ling’ he can’t recall


PETER ANDRE cannot recall an alleged one-night stand with Rebekah Vardy and is talking to lawyers about how to stop her claim being repeated – along with her jibe that he is ‘hung like a chipolata’.

During the Wagatha Christie libel trial in the High Court this month, Mrs Vardy was asked about her kiss-and-tell interview in which she claimed she had a tryst with the former pop star in 2001.

Mr Andre, 49, is upset that the claims, made in the News Of The World in 2004, have resurfaced and that he was given no warning they would be detailed in Mrs Vardy’s court battle with fellow Wag Coleen Rooney. Sources say the father-offour has consulted lawyers because he has no memory of a night of passion with Mrs Vardy, 40, at a Buckingham­shire hotel.

‘Pete doesn’t remember meeting her, never mind anything else,’ said one insider. ‘At the time of the article he was younger, he didn’t have children and it didn’t matter so much. He was ribbed by his friends, but they knew the chipolata slur was the opposite to the truth.

‘But now he is a dad and has a wife and he just doesn’t think it’s true. He is considerin­g legal action against Rebekah. He has consulted lawyers and is yet to decide whether he will go through with it, but he is very upset.’

Mr Andre cannot sue News UK, which owned the now defunct News Of The World, because libel victims have only 12 months from the date of publicatio­n to start proceeding­s, and comments in court – such as those made by Mrs Vardy – are protected from legal action. However, Mr Andre’s lawyers could demand she never makes the claim again.

The wife of Leicester City striker Jamie Vardy said Mr Andre ‘had the smallest trouser equipment I’ve ever seen’. She now says she was coerced into the interview – a claim rejected in last week’s Mail on Sunday by her ex-husband, Steve Clarke. High Court judge Mrs Justice Steyn is considerin­g evidence from the libel trial in which Mrs Vardy is suing Mrs Rooney, wife of former England star Wayne, for alleging leaking stories about her.

Mrs Vardy did not respond to a request for comment last night.

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 ?? ?? A NIGHT TO FORGET: Peter Andre, left, has denied he had a tryst with Rebekah Vardy, above
A NIGHT TO FORGET: Peter Andre, left, has denied he had a tryst with Rebekah Vardy, above

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