The Scottish Mail on Sunday

What I’ll tell my daughter about modern men and sex


l All girls and women, but particular­ly those aged from about 13 to 25, should avoid being alone with men they don’t know or men who give them the creeps. Don’t ignore your gut instinct – it’s usually triggered by a red flag that’s well worth noticing.

l Hold off on having sex with a new boyfriend for at least a few months. This is a good way of discoverin­g whether or not he’s serious about you or just looking for a hook-up.

l Have sex with a man only if you think he would make a good father to your children – this is not because you necessaril­y intend to have children with him, but because it is a good rule of thumb in deciding whether he’s worthy of your trust.

l Chivalry is actually a good thing. We all have to control our sexual desires, and men particular­ly so given their greater physical strength and average higher sex drives.

l Sometimes (though not always) you can readily spot men who are sexually aggressive. A handful of personalit­y traits are common to them: impulsivit­y, promiscuit­y, hyper-masculinit­y and disagreeab­leness. These traits in combinatio­n should put you on your guard.

l A man who is aroused by violence is a man to steer well clear of. He may use the vocabulary of BDSM (bondage and masochism) to excuse his behaviour, but if he can maintain an erection while beating a woman, then he isn’t safe to be alone with.

l Trust your moral intuition and distrust any person or ideology that puts pressure on you to ignore it.

l If you get drunk or high, do so in private and with female friends rather than in public or in mixed company.

l Don’t use dating apps. Mutual friends can vet histories and punish bad behaviour – dating apps can’t.

l Monogamous marriage is by far the most stable and reliable foundation on which to build a family.

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