The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Because they died, they are like angels. One is my grandfathe­r


YEHOR KRAVSTOV started a journal while sheltering in a basement in Mariupol as the invaders closed in. It begins with his recollecti­on of March 26, eight days after his family fell victim to a Russian attack.


‘I HAD a good sleep, woke up, smiled, got up and counted to 25. In addition, my grandfathe­r died [March] 26.

‘I have a wound on my back, torn skin, sister [has a] head injury, mother had flesh torn out on her arm and a hole in her leg. I am 8. Sister [is] 15 years old. Mum is 38 years old. We sing. Need to make a bandage, Mum first, me second, third is sister. By the way, I have a friend Vika. Cheerful. And she is our neighbour, she has good parents.’


‘I WOKE up, well, like yesterday, I smiled. Grandma went for water. By the way, my birthday is coming soon.’ An accompanyi­ng picture shows a birthday party with family members. Some have wings ‘because they died, they are like angels. One of them is my grandfathe­r’.


‘WANTED to sleep alone but I was afraid of the noise. Therefore, of course, I slept alone, but on my grandmothe­r’s bed. I would like to leave so much. By the way, our ceiling is collapsing. Sister got the cat out of the rubble.’

Accompanyi­ng picture shows destroyed houses, dead bodies in the street, a tank and soldiers with the caption: ‘I saw all of this with my own eyes.

‘I have a cat Kuzya. Sorry for my handwritin­g. My friend and sister and I built a cat house out of cardboard. He felt good at his house but it broke down.’

‘By the way, I counted my two dogs died :( and my grandmothe­r Galya (a neighbour) :( and my beloved city of Mariupol during this time, starting from 24th [of February, when Russia invaded].’


‘A STRAY dog [came] to us. We feed him and give him drink. We name him Beam. By the way, my grandmothe­r at the time when we got wounds, she was sitting and worried about my grandfathe­r and my great-grandmothe­r. I built a house for Beamy from 1 Cardboard. 2 Boards. 3 Slate. We have rain the whole day and night. There are no thundersto­rms (shelling).’

MAY 19

‘I HAVE A walk. Mum is painting a picture. Sister reads. Grandma too.

‘My birthday is in three days. Mum promised to teach me how to make scrambled eggs.’

MAY 22

TO MARK his ninth birthday, Yehor draws a self-portrait.


RECALLING their escape from then Russian-controlled city on May 30: ‘We left Mariupol via Berdiansk, Zaporizhzh­ia and to Kyiv. By train. It was scary. I chose a place on the top bunk for the first time. We were in the very last car.’

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 ?? ?? SIEGE SKETCHES: The diary features drawings of celebratio­n along with angels, left, and conflict, above
SIEGE SKETCHES: The diary features drawings of celebratio­n along with angels, left, and conflict, above

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