The Scottish Mail on Sunday


WIN £1,500


There’s an amazing £1,500 prize for the first correct solution drawn at random in our general knowledge Prize Crossword. Entries must arrive by Friday, June 24 (photocopie­s not accepted). Today’s solution will appear next week and the winner’s name on Sunday, July 10. SEE BELOW THE GRID for details on how to enter.


1 In weightlift­ing, a lift in which the weight is held momentaril­y at shoulder height before being thrust overhead (5-3-4)

8 A Brazilian slum or shantytown (6)

11 Tamara de ---, Polish Art Deco painter (8)

12 Joan ---, author of children’s books including 1962’s The Wolves Of Willoughby Chase (5)

13 Joe ---, cricketer who captained England’s Test team from 2017-22 (4)

14 and 22 Down Wife of Louis XVI, executed during the French Revolution (5,10)

15 The largest inlet of the Atlantic in the coast of the US (10,3)

17 A list of events arranged according to a schedule (9)

19 In astrology, the eighth sign of the zodiac (7)

23 The soft fine feathers that cover the body of a bird (4)

24 North ---, landlocked republic in south-east Europe (9)

25 A type of duck, the male of which has a white plumage with black markings (4)

26 Richard ---, German composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras who wrote the opera Salome (7)

28 Greek historian, known as the Father of History (9)

31 An administra­tive region of Northern Italy, the capital of which is Bologna (6-7)

34 Person who refrains from using any animal product (5)

36 George H. W. ---,

41st President of the United States (4)

37 A repair or re-equipping, as of a ship, for further use (5)

38 Washing machines with two revolving drums, one for washing and the other for spin-drying (4-4)

39 A country located in the eastern Himalayas between China and India (6)

40 London address associated with medical specialist­s (6,6)


2 Room for free movement within limits (6)

3 Cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water (9)

4 See 30

5 --- beetle, insect whose woodboring larvae are a serious pest (10)

6 Edith ---, actress who memorably played Lady Bracknell in the 1952 film version of The Importance Of Being Earnest (5)

7 A ground-living nocturnal parrot of New Zealand (6)

8 Henry ---, American actor who won an Oscar for his final film role in 1981’s On Golden Pond (5)

9 Jan ---, 17th-Century Dutch painter whose works include Girl With A Pearl Earring (7)

10 People who have a very similar appearance to another person (10)

16 The smaller of the two satellites of Mars (6)

18 A long-handled spoon with a deep bowl for serving liquids (5)

20 In Greek mythology, the ferryman who brought the dead across the rivers Styx (6)

21 City in Hampshire; a major naval base (10)

22 See 14 Across

25 A waterproof hat with a very broad brim at the back (9)

27 --- --- Jazz, 1979 semi-autobiogra­phical film directed by Bob Fosse (3,4)

29 The fibrous interior of the fruit of the dishcloth gourd, dried, bleached and used as a bath sponge (6)

30 and 4 London landmark designed by John Nash, relocated in 1851 (6,4)

32 In the Old Testament, the first high priest of the Israelites; brother of Moses (5)

33 Nancy ---, the first woman to serve as an MP in the British House of Commons (5)

35 Artificial heads of hair (4)

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