The Sentinel

‘We can trade freely and control borders’


MOST of the EU leavers keep giving the same two reasons for wanting to leave the EU.

Immigratio­n, we want to control our borders, and we want to trade with other countries. But both these reasons are based on mis-informatio­n from the extreme far right groups and Ukip propaganda.

Every illegal immigrant and refugee to Britain comes from outside the EU. The majority of people who come to Britain are from non-eu countries, and all of these can be controlled at our borders.

Britain is allowed, as some other EU countries do, to impose a limit on the number of people coming into the country. The EU freedom of movement means you can move from one country to another to live and work.

Some countries state that if you lose your job or your business closes down, then you have to leave the country within three months. Britain has an open door policy that does not limit the numbers coming, or them having to leave when they lose their jobs.

This is the fault of British Government policy, not the EU. Britain can control its own borders, but chooses not to.

A recent TV programme about a well known firm that produces baked beans, soups and sauces stated it imports all its raw materials from America. Many British firms have their products manufactur­ed in China.

Most of the cheap products you purchase at pound shops or the markets or the various fake designer products like jeans, tea shirts, handbags etc are made in China and imported to Britain.

Britain, like other countries, does already trade with countries outside the EU.

Can the Brexiters please explain why they keep stating the same old reasons for leaving the EU when it has been proved that these reasons are based on lies and mis-informatio­n?

Britain is allowed and can control our own borders, and Britain does trade with countries outside the EU.

As British trade to the EU is 45 per cent of our exports and the other 55 per cent is with countries outside the EU, then any business that loses 45 per cent of its trade has to make high numbers of redundanci­es or go out of business. G HARDING RODE HEATH

Stop all this publicity encouragin­g the younger generation to gamble and tell them there is only one winner – the bookies

 ??  ?? ADDICTION: Letter writer Robert Brown has issued a warning about the heartache that can be caused by an addiction to gambling.
ADDICTION: Letter writer Robert Brown has issued a warning about the heartache that can be caused by an addiction to gambling.

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